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S.aN7eLE Yao.iLCr Puorosni, <br />YuEp,katNc P.atrr Ii <br />SCUPI( OF «'ORK: <br />1'reparc an iirvenlory ot historic resowecs in the communit as flhe first phase of a comprehensnc <br />surVc;-. '17le inventorV process will begin in Jantar}- 2005 and bc co.7iplcted ~~~ithin ninc moi)ths. <br />A']F:PHODUlAGY: <br />Hire a professionafly oualified historic prescrvation consultant w~ith recent tield esperience tn <br />conduct comprchcnsive suivey. Consultamt will travcl cvcry public street ~ithin CL( 1's political <br />jur;sdiction, photographing a11 hiatoric resources, preparing surccy forms, inLq,ping resources, <br />and producing 'final reporL with reconnmcndations for subsequeni efforts. <br />ANTICIPA'I7ED 121?Sl'LTS: <br />Yroject will result in preliminar}' information gatlicred on all historic resourccs in cominuIlifv_ <br />(acilitsitine preservaiion plannina.'fhis tics in with our stated eoal ofidcntiii-in,_ liisuuic <br />resources in order to work towards theii preservation. We will also use the iiiformation tathrred <br />in this phasc as a basis for creatino wall;ing tours in su6scqucnt ycars, thcrcby addre~;ine our <br />UoLIl oj' public educatiori. <br />PxoA_cr PriisonvEi,: <br />\ke ~Clecied Ican Q. Smitli and Associatcs, Yreservation Consultants, to conLlucf dii~ , husC of th: <br />scrrcv. "17ieir staff mccts prufessional qaali[Icatiom ns historians and ard~iiectur.~l hisiori::ns. <br />