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SAn1PLE Bl DGL;T <br />Y12EFA1ZiNG P_1RT [TI <br />11ic following sample budgcts arc provided to illustrate both the process and the format (iu d~nelopim, <br />budgets. A typical butlget proposal includes morc iteins and fcwer rounded offnumbers, but thc iormat <br />is csscntially the same. Separaie budget shcets suggest the format for cash match erant projccts as <br />opposed to those incorporating in-kind sen°ices Grantprojects invotving onl} cash expcnditurcs h;° tlic <br />C;LG mLn bc matched on a 40-60 ratio, while thosc incorporating in-1<ind services prmided hy anpl icunt <br />must calculatc rcimbursement on a S0-50 ratio. <br />(1) Calcul2le tie totil cash nccds of thc projcc.t. Somc projects, gcncrally those requirin,- a con,ii!i.1!11 ou <br />printcr, neccssitatc sub;tantia] c2sh contribuCions for iinplementation. <br />Principal Llvestigator S10,000 <br />(rate of pay X numbcr of hotrs) <br />lr~vel ~ 1.~00 <br />(raie olreimburseinentX nwnber of milesj <br />Pl~otograph;~ $ 3,500 <br />(filin, proccssin-P. prints) <br />Data inpuVsecreLarial service $ 2.000 <br />(raic ofpay X nurnbcrof liours) <br />Drailing b 1,200 <br />(Iate o IpHV YIiumbcr of hottrs) <br />OI'iScc tipace $ 9?5 <br />(rate X nuinber afmonths) <br />SupP;irs S 750 <br />Yliotocop~ in~o $ 12j <br />Total Cash Necds: $20_000 <br />