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<br />Planning and Zomng Meeting <br />April 5, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />A proposal was made available for those present to view. <br /> <br />AGAINST THE PETITION <br /> <br />Linda Butcher, 3810 Sage Trail, stated that her house would be facing <br />the proposed business. Noise is a concern. Works rotating shifts at <br />Kimberly'"Clark. Nothing personal but this will bring additional truck <br />traffic right beside her house. Concerned about trucks air horns. Ms. <br />Butcher worked previously for Jelly Skidmore Trucking-knows for a <br />fact, from talking with truck drivers that problems do go <br />on-prostitution, drugs, and many times heard them talk about being <br />harassed by this element. She is sure Ms. Gates is concerned about that <br />and wants to keep it out but that is a very difficult thing to keep from <br />happening at a truck stop. You can not be there 24 hours of the day. <br />Does not want home value to go down. <br /> <br />Stan Thurman, 3945 Sage Trail, lives on the south side of the street. <br />Having been a driver himself, stated that there is a two lane stretch and <br />ifthere is 60 m.p.h. traffic running at a pretty good gait and you try to <br />pull out an 80,000 lb. truck-80,000 lbs. do not snap and go, it is a slow <br />roll so basically traffic is impeded until you slow roll and go. From a <br />stopped position slow roll with 80,000 lbs.-if there were four lanes, it <br />would be a safety factor but as it is right there, it is kind of dangerous. <br />With four lanes and a service road, it would be okay for trucks to come <br />out there. <br /> <br />Delora Redus, 320 34th S.W., lives East of Parc Ouest. Ms. Redus was <br />present at meetings when Parc Ouest wanted to put in double wide <br />mobile homes and also the meeting for a strip mall and double wide <br />mobile homes. Ms. Redus has lived in West Paris for 54 years and when <br />she moved there there was no enterprise zone. They have not been <br />against anything in West Paris that is decent-did not say anything <br />about the bank coming in, the Dollar Store or True Value but if it is <br />something undesirable they would just as soon it did not come in. It will <br />not help them, it will lower property values, cause more crime-as far as <br />