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<br />Planning and ZoIrlng Meeting <br />April 5, 2004 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />the trucks, Ms. Redus stated that she hears trucks pulling out of the <br />Exxon station and they do not sell diesel there. They stop at the <br />restaurant but she can hear all the noise. Ms. Redus stated that she can <br />not imagine what it will be like if there are more trucks plus the fact <br />that the would be running their engines, the pollution from the diesel <br />from it and everything else that might go with it. Not opposed to <br />anything that is decent to go in there. As far as the revenue from taxes <br />on this, if this goes in it is a possibility that Parc Ouest can not sell any <br />more property because it is so close. Most of the back yards will be <br />right up against the back of the truck stop. In her opinion, you could <br />get more taxes off of the houses there than what this one particular <br />business would bring in. Also, she thinks the gentleman that was <br />promoting the truck stop a while ago does not live there and he will not <br />have to listen to or put up with it. They are the ones that will have to <br />deal with it later and they are just trying to protect themselves and their <br />property values right now. <br /> <br />Melissa Huey, 107 Parc Ouest, feels for her personal safety and the <br />surrounding neighborhood. She is a single parent with a 5 year old <br />child. She does not want to go to bed at night and worry about <br />something happening or someone wandering up at her house-a robber <br />or whatever. It is a bad feeling living in fear. Ms. Huey is very happy <br />with the way things are and is not against anything that would be good <br />for West Paris, something that would not devalue her home. She has <br />worked hard for her home and does not want to lose that to something <br />that could devalue her property. No one should not have to go through <br />that. Most people in the area have lived in their home for years. When <br />she bought there was restrictions to where she lives. She bought in good <br />faith that it would be a safe place for her son to grow up, he is her whole <br />life and she does not want to live in fear. Ms. Huey stated that Ms. <br />Gates had interesting things to say about security guards and all that, <br />that is good but that just tells that there isa threat there and that can <br />not be guaranteed, you cannot control that, too many factors, too many <br />