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<br />Planning and ZoIrlng Meeting <br />April 5, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />variables. Stated that Parc Ouest has finally started to grow and does <br />not want to see the growth stifled. <br /> <br />Debbie Burkes, 3935 Sage Trail, main concern is safety and she would <br />not feel safe there. A truck stop is not compatible with the <br />neighborhood. She keeps hearing that businesses are needed in West <br />Paris. We need good neighborhoods, what is a city without <br />neighborhoods, is it just about business and no people. We should have <br />good places for good homes inside Paris. She has worked hard for <br />many years and does not want her property values to go down. Ms. <br />Burkes feels that a truck stop will not help the area but will hurt it. If <br />they want the truck stop, fine, just don't build it by our neighborhoods, <br />please protect our homes. This country is about people, without people <br />the rest does not matter. The homes, the families, if we don't have that, <br />Paris will not be the Best Small Town in Texas. <br /> <br />Pat Early, 4035 Old Bonham Road, states that her American Dream <br />was to build her home in a quiet neighborhood and she did that in July <br />of 1968. Since that time TxDOT, Kimberly-Clark, Florida Power, have <br />been built, but they are no problem. The only problem with these <br />businesses was increased traffic. Ms. Early stated that when they go <br />down their road this is what they will see and hear at night. Ms. Early <br />is against the noise, pollution, increased traffic. If you are coming <br />South on the Loop you are coming over an overpass and it does not give <br />you very much time to go across the road if there is a big truck coming <br />out. <br /> <br />Lisa Roberts, 3825 Sage Trail, states that her home is within 200 feet of <br />the proposed truck stop site. She has 2 small children that she does not <br />want living within 200 feet of a business that is open 24 hours a day. <br />Her father is a truck driver as has been for over 30 years, no one needs <br />to tell her that truck drivers are good people, she knows that better than <br />most. Her concern is that truck stops typically brings in an element of <br />