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02 P&Z Report
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05 - May
02 P&Z Report
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<br />Planning and ZoIrlng Meeting <br />April 5, 2004 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />people who prey on the truck drivers. They are easy targets because <br />they are not here, they are not staying here. These people will have a <br />business that is available to them, these are the people that she does not <br />want within 200 feet of her children. Ms. Roberts went to the truck <br />stop on 271 last week and there is garbage, old tires, old pallets-this is <br />what happens when you have a truck stop because you can't clean that <br />up constantly. It might be a good business but it is bad for our families. <br />Also, concern about the traffic, noise, the pollution, and the homes were <br />there first. If it was meant for industry, then perhaps that decision <br />should have been made years ago. <br /> <br />Janet Ammons, 3920 Sage Trail, stated that she used to live on 19th NW <br />and she moved from there because of the traffic. She chose her house <br />on Sage Trail Drive because of the neighborhood, the type of <br />neighborhood it is, family oriented. They have a lot of children in the <br />neighborhood that can ride their bicycles up and down the street but if <br />the trucks start cutting through there they won't be able to let the <br />children ride their bicycles in the streets. There are a lot of elderly <br />people in the neighborhood and some of them are single, widowed. It <br />is a fear factor for them. Ms. Ammons is a single grandmother, raising <br />a grandchild by herself. Ms. Ammons would not feel safe in her home <br />with those elements around and she thinks that the neighborhood is <br />family oriented and they don't need a truck stop there bringing in all <br />kinds of riffraft. There are a lot of small children in the neighborhood <br />and when they reach their teens years and ifthey are under some kind <br />ofinfluence of something going on over, it is not the ideal neighborhood <br />that we have. <br /> <br />Evelyn Matthews, 1035 41't SW, bought their home 7 years ago when <br />they moved off a farm into town. They chose this location because of <br />the neighborhood, it's quiet and not jammed up. Ms. Matthew lives on <br />the corner of 41't SW and Old Bonham Road and she goes down Old <br />Bonham Road when she pulls out of her drive to get on the Loop. When <br />
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