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Regular Meeting City Council <br />May 10, 2004 <br />Page 12 <br />Facilities. <br />Karl Louis, Police Chief, came forward advising that Mr. Denny Bowls from <br />Brinkley-Sargent Architect was also present and advised the Council that the <br />plans were displayed for their review. He advised that he has furnished each <br />Council Member an update, including the dates and a summary of where they <br />started this project to the present. Mr. Louis said they have reached the point <br />where the building has been taken down to bear bones. He commended Mike <br />Alexander for the outstanding job he has done with the prisoners. Mr. Louis <br />stated that they were at the point where they would like to ask the City Council <br />to consider giving them the authority to advertise for bids for the construction <br />portion of this proj ect. <br />Resolution No. 2004-093, approving plans and specifications for the re- <br />construction and conversion of the UARCO Building to a new Police, Court, <br />and Jail Facility; authorizing the advertisement for bids for said construction, <br />was presented. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy, seconded <br />by Councilwoman Neeley, for approval of the resolution. The motion carried <br />6 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Mayor Fendley announced that the next item on the agenda was discussion of <br />the City Audit for fiscal year ending September 30, 2003. <br />Mr. Anderson advised that this was placed on the agenda at the request of <br />Councilman Bell, after the Council had time to review it in case they had any <br />questions. <br />There was no discussion of potential future agenda items. <br />Mayor Fendley called for consideration and approval of future local events for <br />City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to Resolution No. 2004-080. No one <br />had any events for consideration. <br />