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13 City Council (05-06-04)
City Council
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06 - June
13 City Council (05-06-04)
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11/17/2005 11:15:44 AM
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6/4/2004 5:20:01 PM
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City Council
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<br />Regular City ('oullcil Mcet illg <br />May (" 2004 <br />Page (, <br /> <br />and low income depressed areas out there, which has been added since then. Ms. <br />Redus said that she likes living in West Paris and thought it was a good place to <br />live. Ms Redus gave the City Council Members handouts. Ms. Redus stated that <br />she worked 36 and one-half years to get what she has got. She said she and her <br />husband bought four acres and in two summers, they cleared the land, and she <br />understands that someone that wants ajob and she understands a better Paris, but <br />she did not think that this is a better way to better west Paris. Ms. Redus did not <br />want someone to have a job at her expense. She felt that this is going to lower <br />the property value that she has, and something that you have here is what the <br />handout from the Dallas Morning News describes they are fighting on pollution. <br />Ms. Redus said they were fighting right now on pollution over there and it said <br />that some of the Dallas residents complain about the noise, exhaust, idle <br />vehicles, trucks near their homes, and they are looking at ways to control idling <br />because of air quality and noise impact on residential areas. She stated that when <br />the big rigs idle for a long period of time they put off a tremendous amount of <br />the ozone. Ms. Redus stated that this was harmful to the elderly people with <br />lung problems and she did not think they needed to bring another problem to <br />Paris. If you have a truck stop it should be out on the highway, out in the open, <br />not in a residential area. Ms. Redus said they have not been against the bank <br />coming to West Paris, the Dollar Store, or True Value. She advised that they <br />need a supermarket bad in this area, and they would not be up here lighting the <br />Counci 1 if one tries to come in. They want something that wi II not cause <br />pollution and crime that goes on out there. Ms. Redus said as iar as the taxes <br />that would come from this, if you count 40 lots in Parc Quest, and it is her <br />understanding, she was guessing, $100.00 a year on those $120,000.00 homes <br />and it will be as much taxes as you would be getting from the truck stop. If this <br />happens, she said nobody is going to want to buy those lots out there. Shc stated <br />that she has one tì-iend that lives in Park Quest that paid $120,000.00 for her <br />homc and this truck stop is going to be in her back yard, she is going to have to <br />listen to trucks idling, the pollution, the cattle trucks pulling in out there, the <br />fl ies, and this lady cannot prohibit all of that. Ms. Redus said that is the reason <br />that she is against the truck stop and would appreciate the City Council voting <br />against it. <br />
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