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<br />Regular City ('olillcil :V1l'ctlllg <br />May (¡, 2004 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Stan Thurman, 3945 Sage Trail, appeared stating that he was opposed to this <br />rezoning. He said he made a statement to the Council about a slow pul1out and <br />fast impact and it actually happened. He explained that a sand truck came over <br />the hill by Kimberly-Clark on the corner of 19th and Loop 286. The sand truck <br />was heading towards 271 and a flat bed was coming from Kimberly-Clark and <br />it took his whole nose off. It could have kil1ed two drivers, but it put one in the <br />hospital. It actually happened what he said would happen. Mr. Thurman said <br />a slow move out and loaded truck and it is over. He said if that had been a <br />school bus, lord help us, 42 children. <br /> <br />Debbie Burks, 3935 Sage Trail, came forward telling the Council that she has <br />worked hard for her home, and she knew that we talked about going through the <br />ballot period as a retirement center. I fthe Council does not have respect for the <br />homeowners and residents, they are not going to want to come here to retire. <br />Ms. Burks said this is not the only spot for a truck stop. If she wants a truck <br />stop, there are other places. Ms. Burks said just move away from the residential <br />areas. She said they built, they bought and paid. She urged the City Council to <br />respect that because without citizens, if you only have businesses, what is your <br />city without the people. Again Ms. Burks asked the City Council to respect their <br />req uest. <br /> <br />Rick I Iawthorne, 121 Rue Calle Drive, appeared before the City Council stating <br />that he was against this zoning change. He said he would like to see who the <br />neighbors are that live in the area that are in favor of this. He said he has not <br />really seen any. Mr. Hawthorne said if the City of Paris majority of the <br />population wanted to vote on this as it has been stated here, we could al1 move <br />to Dal1as if that is really what we want. This is a nice little town and it is a <br />pleasant place to live and he did not want it to grow too much, but a few things <br />would be nice. Mr. Hawthorne stated that it has been brought up that this is <br />really not a truck stop. He said it is a truck stop if trucks stop there. He felt that <br />i I' the Counci 1 spoke to the residents who live in the area and not sell diesel, there <br />would not be a problem, so that is the problem, because there are going to be <br />trucks there. He said the last thing that he would like the City Council to <br />