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<br />Regular City Colillcil Î\1L'et IIlg <br />May (¡, 2004 <br />Page S <br /> <br />consider is in the best case scenario, we are going to have some level of light <br />poll ution, sound pollution because of the truck that are idling. You are going to <br />have some level of crime. This is evident because of the increased police patrol <br />in the area, which Ms. Gates has already said is going to happen. Mr. <br />Hawthorne stated that there is going to be some level of traffic safety issues. lie <br />asked, "how would you feel if you passed this and something happened out there <br />at the truck stop?" He asked the City Council to consider that. He asked how <br />are you going to feel if something does happen and there is a loss of I ife because <br />of having more truck traffic in there. <br /> <br />No one else appeared, and the public hearing was declared closed. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley announced that they would move to Agenda Item No.4, and this <br />item was tabled and a motion to bring it from the table would be in order. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy, seconded by Councilman <br />Guest, to bring Agenda Item No.4 from the table. The motion carried 6 ayes, <br />0 nays. <br /> <br />City Attorney Schenk pointed out that this proposition was subject to a three- <br />quarter rule petition and subject to a denial by the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission, so it will take five ÜlVorable votes to approve the rezoning. <br /> <br />Councilman Guest asked City Attorney Schenk about the consequences to the <br />City for the Council to go against the City's Master Plan and specifying Planned <br />Development. <br /> <br />City Attorney Schenk advised that he brought a resource tonight and he wanted <br />to refer to that specifically. He said it was titled Texw')' Municipal Zoning Lm\' <br />and he read it as follows: "The comprehensive plan can be defined as a long <br />range plan intended to direct the growth of the physical development of the <br />community." City Attorney Schenk said the essence of that meant how the <br />proposed zoning compares to the zoning in the plan should be given its due <br />