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Council/PEDC Meeting <br />September 15, 2014 <br />Page 7 <br />voters can vote in or vote out the sales tax if they think there is miss -use and that it was a local <br />issue. <br />Mr. Turner questioned the remedy. Mr. Moore said the remedy was to move forward, have <br />written contracts, and to make sure they follow the approval process. Council Member Lancaster <br />said there was another remedy and that was to simply do away with this useless organization. <br />Mr. Turner said two lawyers could look at a set of facts and come to different conclusions. He <br />said Mr. Moore had discredited Defenbaugh's report and said there was no criminal conduct. <br />Mr. Turner also said he had reviewed the Defenbaugh report and there was criminal conduct. He <br />said the way to resolve this was to convene a grand jury, get a prosecutor and issue subpoenas. <br />Mr. Turner said if nothing had been done then it would clear the name of people and if there had <br />been criminal conduct and the tax payer monies had been squandered the way he believed it had, <br />then let the criminal penalties fall. Mr. Moore said he agreed that attorneys will disagree and <br />have different opinions. Mr. Moore said if it was criminal, that was for the District Attorney to <br />review. Mr. Turner said he understood Mr. Moore was initially hired by Mr. Gilbert. Mr. <br />Turner also said this was tax payer money, that he did not want it abused and that the people had <br />not gotten the value for their dollar. Mr. Moore said they had gotten some value. Mr. Turner <br />responded by saying there had been an awful lot of money squandered. Mr. Moore said <br />promotional activity sometimes takes two or three years before you see results. Mr. Turner said <br />over the past twenty to twenty -five years the tax payers of this community had put 25 -30 million <br />dollars into PEDC. Mr. Wilson confirmed with Interim PEDC Director Shannon Barrentine that <br />PEDC received about $250,000 annually, which was 21 million dollars total income received by <br />PEDC. Mr. Turner said 21 million dollars was a heck a lot of money. <br />Council Member Lancaster said the spreadsheet she had indicated that it comes to 35 million <br />dollars and she got it from the PEDC. Mr. Moore suggested that the State Comptroller could <br />provide that answer. <br />Mr. Moore referenced different cities and comparisons, such as the Cowboy Stadium and the <br />baseball Park as related to Type A or Type B sales tax. Mr. Turner said it was good when the <br />money was properly used and not squandered. Council Member Lancaster said Paris did not <br />have any of those things, those were wonderful and she would love for them to be in Paris. <br />Council Member Pickle said the Council was to blame because they were the ones to decide who <br />to put on the PEDC. He said it was obvious they had done a poor job of making appointments to <br />PEDC over the years. <br />Council Member Grossnickle inquired of Mr. Moore if it was an unusual situation for an EDC <br />not to have a lot of success stories. Council Member Grossnickle said Paris was competing <br />against multiple cities, both in state and out of state. He said you are very lucky when you attract <br />Kimberly -Clark or Campbell Soup and those were done without the aid of PEDC, but by good <br />citizens who worked hard to make those deals come true. Council Member Grossnickle said <br />most cities believe that an EDC is a useful function, but Paris had a capital of people who banded <br />together to try to decide that they should vote it out. He also said Mr. Gilbert was the one being <br />accused of all this wrong doing, yet under him PEDC was the most successful during his time <br />and he actually received awards. He referenced Mr. Gilbert receiving national attention for <br />being one of the most successful EDC's and said whether they squandered money or not, they <br />