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MINUTES OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE STUDY COMMITTEE <br />May 23, 1991 <br />The Sign Ordinance Study Committee met in special session, Thursday, <br />May 23, 1991, 5:30 P. M., City Council Chamber, City Hall, Paris, <br />Texas. Chairman Jim Bell called the meeting to order with the <br />following members present, Councilman Billy Joe Burnett, and <br />Councilwoman Millie Ingram. Also present was City Manager, Michael E. <br />Malone, and City Clerk, Mattie Cunningham <br />Chairman Bell announced the purpose of the meeting was discussion of <br />Chapter 28, Signs and Billboards, of the Code of Ordinances. <br />Chairman Bell asked if there was any comments from the public, there <br />being none, declared that portion of the meeting closed. <br />Chairman Bell called for discussion on Chapter 28, Signs and Billboards. <br />Councilman Burnett said he was concerned with doing away with the <br />grandfather clause on sign that are already in place, and pointed out <br />Section 28.21, Removal of Nonconforming Signs. <br />Joe McCollum, Director of Community Development, address this issue, <br />stating that he felt that this was done in order to get signs out of <br />the streets, and to keep other from being erected in right -of -ways. <br />Chairman Bell discussed Section 28.8, Location and Heights of Signs, <br />and said that if you take in conjunction with what section Mr. McCollum <br />spoke in regard to, effective July 1, 1991, all these signs that are <br />nonconforming will have to become conforming, and in many cases the <br />signs are just hanging over the right -of -way, they will have to be move <br />as little as two feet, which will be a waste of money for the <br />merchants. Chairman Bell told the Committee that he felt that <br />consideration should be given to grandfathering all existing signs. <br />Mr. McCollum told the Committee that he had been enforcing this <br />ordinance since 1986, and that he had made a survey of nonconforming <br />signs and notified the owners that they were nonconforming, telling <br />them why, and told them that in their planning, they would have to <br />correct the placement of their signs by July 1991. McCollum also told <br />the Committee that any signs that have been erected since the ordinance <br />was passed, had to meet the requirements of the sign ordinance. <br />City Manager Malone raised the question of if the City has to take <br />right -of -way, would the City have to pay to have the signs removed? <br />Mr. McCollum advised that he would think the City would have to bear <br />the cost legally if the sign was conforming to the sign ordinance <br />requirements. <br />City Manager Malone read Section 28.16 (e), and asked if a person had a <br />sign that was nonconforming, and we did away with this portion of the <br />