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MINUTES <br />TRAFFIC COMMISSION <br />Tuesday, October 5, 1999 <br />COUNCIL ROOM - CITY HALL <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />The Traffic Commission met in regular session Tuesday, October 5, 1999 with the following <br />members present: <br />1. Edward Ellis 4. Mary Lane <br />2. George Robinson 5. Kenneth Webb <br />3. Cleo Holmes 6. John Gooding <br />The city staff was represented by Assistant Police Chief James Barnett. <br />Chairman George Robinson called the meeting to order at 5:17 P.M. <br />An election was held for Chairman and Co- Chairman. Kenneth Webb nominated George <br />Robinson as Chairman. Ed Ellis seconded and there being no further nominations George <br />Robinson was re- elected Chairman 6 ayes to 0 nays. Ed Ellis then nominated Kenneth Webb as <br />Co- Chairman. Mary Lane seconded and there being no further nominations Kenneth Webb was <br />re- elected Co- Chairman 6 ayes to 0 nays. <br />The Minutes of the April 6, 1999 meeting were approved as submitted. <br />A request for Stop Signs on East Neathery at 19t' Street S.E. was considered. Chief Barnett <br />explained this request came from a resident of the neighborhood, Carol Boyd of 830 S.E. 19t'', <br />phone 785 -5429. She says the intersection is dangerous since there is a curve involved near the <br />intersection and she has almost been hit several times there. Neathery splits just West of this <br />intersection and actually has two entrances to 19"' S.E. which would require two Stop Signs <br />stopping Eastbound traffic on Neathery at 19t' S.E. Chief Barnett recommended that the request <br />be granted. After discussion Mary Lane made a motion the Stop Signs be placed as <br />recommended. Ed Ellis seconded and the motion carried 6 ayes to 0 nays. <br />A request for Stop Signs on Sycamore at 8t' Street S.E., was then considered, stopping East and <br />West bound traffic on Sycamore at 8t' S.E. Chief Barnett explained that this request came from <br />Marie Hill, phone 739 -2533, who lives in the area, due to the fact a school bus now stops at the <br />intersection and she has observed several near accidents there. These signs have already been <br />placed under the emergency power of the Police Chief and he recommends they be made <br />permenent. Ed Ellis made a motion to recommend the signs as requested. Mary Lane seconded <br />and the motion passed 6 ayes to 0 nays. <br />Next a request for a 45 MPH Speed Zone, during construction only, on US 82 (Lamar Avenue) <br />beginning 0.0817 miles West of reference marker 712 and ending 0.422 miles West of reference <br />