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Haynes Tutoring classes, thank you. Of which, one of them was held at the <br />NAACP office. 96 of the 101 passed the test, so the study guides <br />are big help to them. We only had one black applicant take that <br />test. And, in the police department, which we just gave the test two <br />or three weeks ago, we only had 25 take the test, and 24 of that 25 <br />passed that test, which means they scored a score of 70 or 70% <br />higher, and we only had one black applicant there. <br />Gray The one black applicant is being sent to school for police training, <br />right. Am I right about that. <br />Haynes Not for this list. <br />Gray The one from the last one. <br />Hundley We have one guy in the academy. <br />Gray The Fire Department, still it does not answer my question as to why <br />you have such a big(cause) in the Fire Department <br />Malone Because they are not making application to take the test, if they <br />don't come take the test. If they don't take the test, they won't be <br />eligible to be hired. <br />Haynes Whether they have been a firefighter before or a volunteer <br />firefighter before, none of that makes any difference. <br />Malone Does not make any difference at all. <br />Haynes The list that is developed comes from the test. You have to pass the <br />test to be on the eligibility list. <br />Malone The idea would be. <br />Gray This is the same test for the fire department. Can I see a test for the <br />fire department. <br />Haynes The entrance test. I don't have any of those. These are a bought <br />test that we have to send back to the academy where we buy these. <br />