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lot of opposition and needed to address these issues one a time. <br />Charles Richards wanted to know if there were legitimate uses for outdoor storage. Lisa <br />Wright said there were legitimate uses, such as businesses like Walmart. Chairman Wilson said he <br />thought the Committee should focus on residential and planned development when it is located next <br />to residential. <br />Chairman Wilson pointed out photographs of sofas, mattresses, washers and dryers, as well <br />as one portable closet being stored on front porches. Chairman Wilson stated that if furniture was <br />outside of a house, that it should be weatherproof. Charles Richards wanted to know how you could <br />keep someone from placing a chair on the front porch to enjoy the evening. Chairman Wilson said <br />he was not talking about something brought outside for the weekend. <br />Chairman Wilson said the Committee needed to decide whether or not they wanted to <br />regulate or accept carports being used for outdoor storage. He also said they should address whether <br />or not to screen properties. Charles Richards wanted to know if there was one particular ordinance <br />obtained from other cities that staff preferred. Chairman Wilson referred the Committee to the City <br />of Farmers Branch Ordinance, specifically option (1), items A through I. The Committee discussed <br />adding swimming pools and playground equipment to the list of items prohibited in the front yard. <br />Don Taylor questioned if they would run into the same opposition as with the sign ordinance. <br />Chairman Wilson stated the Committee should not be intimidated, but do the best j ob they could and <br />move forward. Kevin Carruth pointed out an electronic sign was a fixed asset and that a swimming <br />pool was not. Bee Garmon suggested that all Committee members attend the Council meeting in <br />which the Ordinance would be considered. Chairman Wilson reiterated the Committee should do <br />what they think is right. <br />Charles Richards said he would like to hear from citizens who were in attendance. Marva <br />Joe, 1610 17 ' N.E., told the Committee she supported their efforts in cleaning up the city. S.T. <br />Smeltzer, 2430 W. Austin, said a few doors down from his house a neighbor had a garbage dump <br />in his yard. Mr. Smeltzer said he personally sprayed West Paris and that he supported the <br />Committee. Bradley McKinnon, 535 W. Shiloh, said that the west side of Paris needed to be made <br />better and the Casa Bonita Apartments needed to be torn down. Chairman Wilson assured him that <br />they were working on the Casa Bonita problem. <br />Chairman Wilson stated staff had provided the Task Force with example Ordinances from <br />other cities and he asked for suggestions. Lisa Wright recommended they adopt a new Ordinance <br />instead of amending the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Wilson suggested they regulate outside <br />storage on residential, Single Family 1, Single Family 2, Multi- Family, Planned Development and <br />Neighborhood Service. <br />Charles Richards made a Motion to regulate outdoor storage on residential, Single Family <br />1, Single Family 2, Multi - Family, Planned Development and Neighborhood Service. The Motion <br />failed for lack of a second. <br />