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Motion carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Wilson stated there was unfinished business that he wished to discuss with regard <br />to the writing of citations. He asked Kent McIlyar when the code enforcement officers would be able <br />to issue citations for violations. Kent stated there would be an Ordinance brought before City <br />Council on November 12t' addressing that issue. <br />Chairman Wilson moved the Committee to item 4. <br />4. Receipt of report from the Code Enforcement Education Committee. <br />Pete Kampfer presented a report from the Education Committee addressing the costs and <br />circulation of the brochures (See Exhibit "A "). In addition, he presented to the Committee an <br />example of the brochure (See Exhibit `B "). <br />Chairman Wilson asked Pete to have the Education Committee review all of the information <br />and bring back a recommendation to the Task Force. Pete said he would have it ready for the next <br />meeting. <br />3. Discussion of and possible action on recommending provisions regulating outdoor storage. <br />Lisa Wright gave a slide presentation depicting photographs of storage and trash in front <br />yards; storage and trash on front porches; storage and trash in carports and garages; and swimming <br />pools and playground equipment in front yards. Lisa informed the Committee that the City currently <br />did not have an Ordinance that dealt with these types of problems. <br />Chairman Wilson wanted to know if an Ordinance was passed prohibiting storage in the front <br />yard and subsequently a citation was issued, would the City then be permitted to go on the property <br />and remove the items. Kent McIlyar advised prior to doing so, there would have to be a nuisance <br />abatement. He explained that issuance of a citation was a Class C misdemeanor criminal offense <br />filed with the Municipal Court and was punishable by a fine of up to $2,000.00. Kent further <br />explained that in the past complaints were filed with the Municipal Court, but that if the new <br />Ordinance was adopted it would give code enforcement officers the ability to write citations when <br />they viewed a violation. <br />The Committee discussed the problem of continuous garage sales and more specifically, the <br />house in which blue tarps were placed over items that were being sold on a continuous basis. Lisa <br />Wright said the outdoor storage Ordinance would specifically set out what items could not be stored <br />outdoors. Charles Fulbright inquired about issuance of citations for garage sales. Chairman Wilson <br />stated citizens were allowed three garage sales per year for two consecutive days; however there <br />were many people who left the items out and continued to sell them. <br />Marilyn Bellevance expressed concern about items being placed in back yards and being an <br />eyesore to neighbors. Chairman Wilson said they could come back later and address other issues, <br />but he thought they needed to address front yards and porches first. He also said they would get a <br />
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