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3. Continued discussion of and possible action on recommending provisions regulating outdoor <br />storage. <br />Staff presented the Committee with a draft of an Outside Storage Ordinance containing <br />example provisions from other cities. After review and discussion, the Committee elected to make <br />the following changes: <br />Definitions: <br />(a) Outside storage. The outside placement of an article for a period in excess of 72 hours <br />during a twelve (12) month period, other than those items permitted by this article. <br />A definition for "front porch and setback" will be added to the Ordinance. <br />(1) Prohibited Outside Storage: <br />Charles Richards asked that the zoning abbreviations be written out, so that they could be <br />more easily understood by the public. <br />A section will be added to include plumbing fixtures. <br />e. The sentence will end with "designed or intended for outdoor use." <br />g. An exception will be added that will allow basketball goals, as long as they are not <br />placed in a location that will require children to use the street as the play court. <br />h. This section will be deleted. <br />i. After the words "residential use," the words "prohibit in front and side yards." will <br />be added. <br />(2) It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution: <br />a. Shall read: Such storage is screened from the view of adjacent streets and adjacent <br />properties by a solid fence, wall, landscaping, or a combination of fence and <br />landscaping. <br />b. Language will be added to include a restriction of three months and new construction <br />will be excluded. Also, language will be added giving staff the ability to grant <br />extensions. <br />e.1,3 <br />& 4. These sections will be deleted. <br />e.2 This section will be combined with the main sentence. <br />