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Chairman Wilson inquired as to when the ordinance would be submitted to the City <br />Council and Lisa Wright estimated it would be in August. <br />Bruce Frazier left the meeting at 5:50 p.m. <br />4. Continued discussion of and possible action on recommending revisions to the ordinance <br />regulating large animals within the city limits. <br />Chairman Wilson moved to draft two of the large animal ordinance for review by the <br />Committee. After a brief discussion regarding section (a), it was a consensus of the Committee <br />to add a new number (1) to read as follows: livestock cannot be kept on less than one -half (1/2) <br />acre; the other numbers will read the same but the numbering will change to (2) and (3). <br />Walter Cavendar, 713 Oak Street, inquired if the 1/2 acre had to be combined in one lot. <br />Chairman Wilson said he did not anticipate a problem as long as he had a total of 1/2 acre of <br />property. <br />Chief Louis recommended grandfathering the animals that had been on the same property <br />for years because of possible court issues on these specific circumstances. Chairman Wilson <br />said he was concerned about health issues when he saw horses standing in deep mud on 1/2 acre <br />lots. Mr. Wilson said this situation was not good for the horse or the neighbors. Chief Louis <br />said if it was unsanitary, that would be a different issue and they should handle that anyway. <br />Pete Kampfer was opposed to grandfathering the animals. <br />Bee Garmon arrived to the meeting at 6:15 p.m. <br />Chairman Wilson asked that Chief Louis conduct a survey and get back to the Committee <br />with regard to how many animals could be possibly grandfathered. Don Taylor said that the <br />Committee might want to consider giving the land owner up to a year to make other <br />arrangements for the animal. Council Member Biard asked Chief Louis to provide the lot size in <br />his survey. Cheryt Moore asked that photographs also be taken of the animal and location. <br />Chairman Wilson asked staff to bring back to the next meeting the revised draft of the <br />demolition by neglect ordinance. <br />Some of the Committee Members were questioning the enforcement of the ordinances <br />they had submitted and that had been passed by City Council. Kevin Carruth reminded the <br />Committee that when they started this process they were asked to consider whether sufficient <br />resources were available to the staff to enforce the new ordinances. Mr. Carruth reminded the <br />Committee that there are only two code enforcement officers for the entire City of Paris and they <br />were diligently working the cases with the resources available, which were limited. He <br />reminded them that for the past several months seventeen people have been directing the <br />activities of only three people. <br />Hays 3 o� 4 <br />