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PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY HEALTH BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />The Paris -Lamar County Health Board met on October 16, 1990 <br />at 7:00 A.M. at the Holiday Inn. Board members present were:. <br />Dr. Bercher, Dr. Strom, Mrs. Norment, Dr. Kraft, and Dr. Lut- <br />trell. Others present were: Lorrin Scott, Dr. Fetner, Gene <br />Anderson, Barbra Francis, Anthony Bethel, and Sharon Seals. <br />Dr. Bercher called the meeting to order at 7:10 A.M. The <br />minutes were read by Sharon Seals and approved as read. <br />Lorrin Scott reported on activity at the health department <br />for the past month. We saw 250 patients last month. There were <br />155 medical patients and 22 new OB patients. There were 70 <br />OBs in all. We have given 650 flu shots and have ordered 906'; <br />more doses. There were 4 cases of penicillin resistant GC. <br />McCuistion will be doing our GCs for 6 weeks. They will charge <br />$5.00 a culture if negative and $ 12.00 if positive. #' <br />Dr. Fetner received a letter from March of Dimes. Kim Elsom's <br />application was not accepted due to her needing refresher <br />courses. Dr. Fetner spoke for the Kiwanis and did a TV Health- <br />talk Show. She is going to Paris High Parenting Class this <br />morning. <br />Dr. Bercher asked if we have been'-in touch with Region 7. <br />Lorrin has talked with Dr. Crowder. There will be a meeting <br />in Austin two weeks from now for local health department <br />Director's. <br />Anthony Bethel didn't have a monthly report. Region 7 called <br />him yesterday. They discussed hiring an Aids coordinator for. <br />our office. There are currently 8 cases of TB. <br />Barbra Francis went to Austin last week. WIC reported a $ 573.00 <br />savings to newborns on neo -natal care. WIC has a caseload of <br />1200 clients and is serving 1165 clients. <br />The next board meeting is scheduled for November 20, 1990 at <br />7 :00 A.M. at the Holiday Inn. A meeting will not be scheduled <br />for December. <br />This meeting adjourned at 8:18 A.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Sharon J. Seals <br />