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The.Paris -Lamar County Health.Board met on January 15, 1991 <br />at 7:OO A.M. at the Holiday Inn. Board members present were: <br />Dr. Bercher, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Norment, Dr. Kraft, and Dr. <br />Cutrell. Others present were: T.K. Haynes, Lorrin Scott, Dr. <br />Fetner; Anthony Bethel, Barbra Francis, and Sharon Seals. <br />Dr. Bercher called the meeting to order at 7:12 A.M. He ad- <br />vis.ed that we will change our meeting time to 6:45 A.M. as <br />-of our next meeting; He.,paraphrased the minutes from the <br />November meeting. Minutes were approved as read. <br />Dr. Strom could not attend this meeting, but copies of the <br />Organizational chart are to be presented at the next meeting. <br />Dr. Fetner reported that our Aids Grant was denied. We are <br />waiting for a response from March of Dimes. This grant would <br />fund a third nurse We have not submitted the Cancer Screens <br />ing Grant. Sara Eatherly requested that Dr. Fetner ask board <br />members if she could dispense Tylenol to students. Discussion <br />followed and Dr. Fetner said the school board should set the <br />policy. Pr. Bercher made a motion that the decision be left <br />up to the school board. Dr. Kraft seconded and all were in fa- <br />vor. <br />Lorrin Scott teported- .there are some problems at the jail con <br />cerning inmates who arrive with severe medical problems. Dr. <br />Bercher asked Lorrin to draw up a memorandum on inmates with <br />severe problems and send to the county judge and city attor= <br />ney.about dismissal on recognizance for health reasons. <br />Dr. Fetner advised the board that we will close down in Feb- <br />ruary for one or two days and audit charts for pap smears <br />done in past year. <br />Anthony Bethel passed out copies of the monthly report. He <br />said the State Auditor will come here on February 6, 1991. <br />Dumping complaints the county are increasing. He <br />discussed restaurant inspection fees should be increased. <br />The next board meeting is scheduled for February 19, 1991 <br />at 6:45 A.M. -'at the Holiday Inn. <br />This meeting adjourned at 7:55 A.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Sharon J. Seals <br />