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PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY HEALTH BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />The Paris -Lamar County Health Board met on February 19, 1991, at the Holi- <br />day Inn, at 6:45 A.M. Board members present were: Mrs. Norment, Mrs. Ellis, <br />Dr. Kraft, Dr. Cutrell, and Dr. Strom. Others present were: T.K. Haynes, <br />Gene Andersoh, Dr. Fetner, Anthony Bethel, Michael Malone, and Sharon Seals. <br />Dr. Cutrell called the meeting to order at 7:20 A.M. The minutes were re- <br />viewed and Dr. Kraft moved that they be approved. Mrs. Ellis seconded motion. <br />All in favor. Motion carried. <br />Dr. Fetner'reported that our letters had been written concerning length of <br />time it takes to get Pap reports back. She mentioned that the two day in- <br />ventory on charts was successful. We have not hired another R.N. yet. <br />Anthony gave a report from Lorrin Scott. Lorrin spoke briefly to Dr. <br />Dougherty about our paps being checked here, but has no answer yet. Lorrin <br />also suggested that we meet every two months. Dr. Kraft said things are more <br />consistent if we keep meeting monthly. <br />Anthony passed out copies of the monthly report. There was a noticeable <br />increase in services even though we have only one R.N. Dr. Cutrell mention- <br />ed we might try using the star system on restaurant inspections. <br />Dr. Strom discussed the Organizational Chart of the health department. Dr. <br />Kraft moved that we accept this as drawn up. Dr. Cutrell seconded motion. <br />All in favor. Motion passed. <br />The next board meeting is scheduled for March 26, 1991 at 6:45 A.M. at the <br />Holiday Inn. <br />This meeting adjourned at 7:58. A.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Sharon J. � is <br />