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PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY HEALTH BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />The Paris -Lamar County Health Board met on January 21, 1992, at the <br />Holiday Inn. <br />Board members present were: Dr. Richard Bercher, Dr. Thomas Cutrell, <br />Mrs. Frances Ellis, Mrs. Ann Norment, Dr. Bert Strom, and Dr. Robert <br />Moseley. Others present were: T.K. Haynes, Gene Anderson, Lorrin <br />Scott, Anthony Bethel, Barbra Francis, and Sharon Seals. <br />Dr. Bercher called the meeting to order at 6:59 A.M. He welcomed Dr. <br />Moseley to our board. <br />The minutes were approved as read. <br />Dr. Stephen Burns has agreed to see the jail patients and be reimbursed <br />each visit at $ 150.00 an hour. Anthony Bethel talked to Pete Patter- <br />son about a letter to Austin concerning our STD program. Dr. Bercher <br />talked to someone in Dr. Crowder's office and they don't wish to cut <br />our services. Anthony Bethel stated that Dr. Fetner plans on coming <br />back to work March 1st. Dr. Strom said that Dr. Greg Ski& and Dr. Dan <br />Babe.r might agree to see our prenatal patients in February. <br />T.K. Haynes mentioned our loss of regional funding and supplies. Our <br />T.B. program has been assigned to Pam Schuller, R.N. from Clarksville. <br />He said we need a Nurse Practitioner to replace some of our loss with <br />Lorrin leaving. Anthony mentioned we had already discussed sending <br />Kim Elsom „ R.N., to OB -GYN School in Dallas. <br />Paris Health Services has been doing well lately. Dr. Cutrell said we <br />need to get our representatives on our side, go to Austin and discuss <br />the duplicate services. Dr. Strom, Mrs. Ellis, Anthony, and Mrs. Nor- <br />went agreed to meet and get a statement together concerning Paris <br />Health Services. <br />Dr. Bercher signed the health department contracts. <br />Anthony presented the monthly report. Gray's Cafe complained the most <br />about the new inspection fees. <br />Barbra Francis said she was leaving for Austin after this meeting. <br />WIC is supposed to receive more administrative computers, but have <br />no space for them. <br />The next meeting is scheduled for February 18, 1992 at 6:45 A.M. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:00 A.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />