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1.. <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />March 13, 1989 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met in Regular Session, March 13, <br />1989, 7:00 P.M., Council Chambers, City Hall, Paris, Texas. Mayor Eric <br />S. Clifford called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen <br />present: Curtis Fendley, Travis Wortham, Marshall H. Kent, Jr., E. W. <br />(Bill) Booth and William E. (Bill) Davidson. Councilman Rondie <br />Williams was absent. Also present were City Manager Michael E. Malone, <br />City Attorney, T. K. Haynes and Deputy City Clerk Joe N. McCollum. <br />Mayor Clifford opened the meeting and the invocation was given by Ralph <br />Taylor, pastor of Bethel Temple Church. <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were approved with one amendment. <br />Page 3 of the minutes of February 13, 1989, "360 W. Sherman" was <br />changed to read "630 W. Sherman ". <br />Councilman Booth gave a report on the Contractual Water Service <br />Committee meeting and advised that Committee's recommendation would be <br />further.discussed on a later item on the agenda. <br />Rita Jane Haynes, Executive Director of the Red River Valley Fair <br />Association, made an appearance seeking approval to construct a poultry <br />barn opposite the livestock barn. She said there was not sufficient <br />building area for poultry shows since the old building was demolished. <br />No action was taken at this time since a resolution was to be presented <br />later in the meeting. <br />Mayor Clifford announced the n6xt item was a public hearing on the <br />request for pro -rata participation contract for extension of water line <br />for Bethel Temple on S.E. Loop X86. <br />Mayor Clifford opened the public hearing and called for proponents to <br />appear. Ralph Taylor, pastor of the church, spoke in favor of the <br />water main extension and requesting it be on a pro -rata contract. <br />Mayor Clifford called for opponents to appear and William E. Thomas <br />appeared saying he had paid $7,500.00 to extend water and sewer from <br />3rd S.E. to his home some years back and needed to know more about the <br />project. He was not interested in having to pay a pro -rata share on <br />his property. <br />Mayor Clifford closed the public hearing saying an ordinance would be <br />introduced later in the meeting. <br />ORDINANCE N0, 89 -008 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1710 OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, TEXAS AND CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES ESTABLISHED BY THE ZONING MAP <br />OF SAID CITY; ESTABLISHING A ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT NO. 3 (SF -3) <br />AND SPECIFIC USE PERMIT - LODGE (17) -ON EAST 1/2 OF LOTS 2 and 4, BLOCK <br />0, EAST PARK ADDITION, ON PROPERTY BELONGING TO JESSE L. MATHIS, SO AS <br />TO INCLUDE THEREIN TERRITORY FORMERLY DESIGNATED AS A ONE FAMILY <br />