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MINUTES <br />OF THE FIRE AND BUILDING CODE REVIEW COMMITTEE <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2009 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />Call meeting to order. <br />Fire Chief Ronnie Grooms called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Chief Grooms <br />introduced staff and Council Member Pickle to the Committee. The following members <br />were present: Gary Brown, Mike Davenport, John Fuston, Jerry Haning, Bryan Hargis, <br />Jordon Harper, Johnny Norris, Bobby Smallwood, Kim Stephens, Charles Waldrum, and <br />Carolyn Whelchel. Council Member Pickle was present. Also present were city staff Kevin <br />Carruth, Ronnie Grooms, Dale Mayberry, Kent Mcllyar, and Janice Ellis. <br />2. Invocation. <br />Fire Marshal Dale Mayberry gave the invocation. <br />3. Deliberate and act on appointment of a chairperson. <br />Prior to the appointment of a chairperson, City Manager Kevin Carruth asked the <br />committee members to introduce themselves. <br />After introductions, Chief Grooms opened the floor for nominations to appoint a <br />chairperson. A Motion to appoint Charles Waldrum as chairman was made by Jordon <br />Harper and seconded by Bobby Smallwood. No other nominations were made. The <br />Committee voted unanimously to appoint Charles Waldrum as chairman of the Committee. <br />Chairman Waldrum asked for nominations for a vice - chair. A Motion to appoint <br />John Fuston as vice - chairman was made by Bryan Hargis and seconded by Gary Brown. <br />The Committee voted unanimously to appoint John Fuston as vice - chairman of the <br />Committee. <br />4. Deliberate on establishment of dates and times for future meetings. <br />City Attorney Kent Mcllyar told the Committee that he might not be able to attend <br />their meetings if scheduled on the second Tuesday, because he had to attend the Paris <br />Economic Development Corporation meetings and those meetings were scheduled on the <br />second Tuesdays of each month. <br />After discussing dates and times for the meetings, it was a consensus of the <br />Committee that the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month would work best for the <br />