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3 <br />Linda Crain, Director of Chance, Inc. was present and told the <br />Commission of . their plan to use the vacant church facilities at <br />this location for their offices and child care services. She said <br />their child care service was presently operating out of Oak Park <br />Methodist Church. She said this location would benefit more <br />people. <br />Mr. McCollum brought up the matter of fencing around the property. <br />He said the applicant needs to fence in front of the building as <br />well as the sides and back and the Zoning Ordinance limited the <br />fencing in the . front yard to a 40" maximum height which is not <br />sufficient for their needs. <br />Dr. Max Weinberg, Chairman of the Board for Chance, Inc. told of <br />their need for the fencing as part of their child care operation <br />and for security. He said they were willing to make alterations <br />in the fencing to prevent any sight clearance problems. <br />No one else spoke on the matter and the public hearing was closed. <br />Ms. Ausbie made a motion to recommend approval of the petition and <br />that a variance be granted to allow suitable fencing in front of <br />the building. Mr. Fendley seconded the motion which carried 7 <br />ayes, 0 nays. <br />The Replat of Lots 2 and 3, S.S.L.A. Commercial Addition was <br />recommended for approval on a motion by Mr. Clifford, seconded by <br />Mr. Powell, subject to the exceptions listed in City Engineer's <br />Memorandum dated January 6, 1992, marked Exhibit A and attached <br />hereto. The motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />The Final Plat of Lots 17 and 18, City Block 201 was recommended <br />for approval on a motion by Mr. Clifford, seconded by Mr. Fendley, <br />subject to the exceptions listed in City Engineer's Memorandum <br />dated January 6, 1992, marked Exhibit B and attached hereto. The <br />motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />The Final Plat of Lots 13 and 14, City Block 311 was tabled on a <br />motion by Mr. Fendley, seconded by Mr. Clifford, pending an <br />amendment to correct the location of an access and utility <br />easement. The motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />