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Supply Company in the amount of sixty consecutive monthly <br />installments of $1,334.13 for furnishing and delivery of one Model <br />Tymco 600 Air Type Street Sweeper in 120 -150 calendar days. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clifford accepting the low bid of <br />Industrial Disposal Supply Company as recommended by the Director of <br />Public Works. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fendley and <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Burnett called for the tabulations of bids for painting the <br />Apparatus Room Ceiling at Central Fire Station, and the following <br />bids were presented: <br />Simmons Painting <br />Quality Painting Company <br />$2.,395.00. <br />$1,559.00 <br />City Manager Malone advised the Council that Steve Burgin, Fire <br />Chief, has recommended the low bid of Quality Paining Company be <br />awarded the bid in the amount of $1,559.00. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Kent, seconded by Councilman Wortham <br />accepting the low bid of Quality Painting Company in the amount of <br />$1,559.00. The motion carried 6 ayes, 0 nays. <br />City Attorney Haynes presented the following petitions for rezoning: <br />G. L. Skidmore, Lots 2A and 4, City Block 321 (Spur 139) from <br />Agricultural District (A) to Commercial or Light Industrial <br />District; James C. Patterson, Lot 17, City Block 2.96 site Plan <br />Approval in a Planned Development - Retail District; Norman F. <br />Montgomery, Lot 9 -A, City Block 331 request for Site Plan Approval in <br />a Planned Development - Retail & Office District. <br />Mayor Burnett referred the petitions to the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission for their study and recommendations and called for a <br />public hearing at the next regular Council meeting. <br />Resolution No. 88 -001 authorizing and Directing the Mayor, Billy Joe <br />Burnett, to execute on behalf of the City of Paris a contract for one <br />New Model Hydraulic Excavator with Conley - Lott - Nichols Machinery <br />Company was presented. A motion was made by Councilman Clifford, <br />seconded by Councilman Fendley for approval of the Resolution. The <br />motion carried 5 ayes 1 nay, Mayor Burnett voting nay. <br />