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07/21/2015 MINUTES
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two sheds and one of them needs more repair work than the other one. There is <br />missing and deteriorated wood and the foundation is starting to sink and siding is <br />starting to buckle out. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 90 days to repair and if not the structure <br />will come back to the Commission. <br />Robert Walker and his mother Donna Walker stated that they are both disabled <br />and reside at the same address. Mr. Walker believes that the property was brought <br />before the Commission because of a retaliation call from a neighbor who wanted <br />to move in but they wouldn't allow it. He stated that there was no problem with <br />the foundation and he and his brother's replaced the roof. The items in the back <br />yard are what he considers valuable property. He stated that he doesn't believe <br />that the city has the right to say what he can have in his back yard. He stated that <br />he is trying to paint the house but he is disabled and works on the house when he <br />can. Johnny Norris asked what the Walker's planned on doing with the house and <br />Mrs. Walker stated that they would like to fix it up. Mr. Norris explained to Mrs. <br />Walker that the commission can only give her 90 days. There was discussion in <br />regards to when it was last rented and other work that had been done on the <br />house. Benny Plata stated that he didn't think the house looked that bad and if it <br />was ok with the Walker's he would get his church to come help them. He also <br />didn't understand why the house was on the list. Mr. Norris explained that they <br />were not going to place a demolition order on the structure but a repair order. Mr. <br />Walker asked the Commission for an appeal and Mr. Norris explained that once <br />the Commission placed an order on the house then Mr. Walker could start the <br />appeal process. Mr. Talley, Mr. Norris and Dale Maberry tried to explain that the <br />city did not want to demolish the structure they just wanted it repaired. Mr. <br />Walker became very agitated and had to be removed from the meeting by Dale <br />Maberry and the Paris Police Department. <br />Motion was made by and seconded to accept Robert Talley's <br />recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. 6 -0 <br />F. 141 NW 25th, Sperry's 3rd Addition, Block 1, Lot 2 <br />Owner: Jacob McCullough 320 SW 29th Paris, TX 75460 <br />Back Taxes Owed: $1758.78 <br />Jacob McCullough was present. <br />Robert Talley stated that the front of the structure had a large portion of the roof <br />covering missing and had a large tarp to help stop the roof from leaking. The <br />gutters are falling off and there is foundation damage. Inside the ceiling shows <br />water damage and there is a large hole in the floor. The back of the structure is <br />unsecure and there is missing and deteriorated wood on the second floor. <br />Approximately six months ago there were people working on the structure but not <br />a lot was done. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the <br />right to demolish and apply a $1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Mr. McCullough stated that he tried to find someone to fix it up but didn't have <br />
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