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made a motion to allow Angie Corbell the PEDC Office Manager to represent the PEDC as <br />Secretary of Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority. Ray Banks seconded the motion. The <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />Update from James Wallace on PEDC Website: <br />James Wallace presented the new website updates to the Board and demonstrated its use. Mr. <br />Wallace advised he was still in need of updated property listings. Mr. Wallace stated he had <br />added a customized report feature allowing staff and visitors to choose items from the website to <br />save and print. Mr. Wallace stated there was discussion of including only Industrial sites for sale <br />and adding a MLS link to other properties that would not need updating by Mr. Wallace or <br />PEDC staff. Mr. Wilson added that Wallace had stated he could offer current photos of sites for <br />$20.00 per hour. <br />Hear from J. C. Darnell on PC purchase and update information and recommendations: <br />Mr. Darnell addressed the Board on the ongoing issues regarding connectivity, security, <br />equipment upgrades and the costs of each. The Board agreed to allow Mr. Darnell to install <br />necessary equipment for the Lamar County Historical Museum, The Caddo Museum and The <br />Genealogy Society to access the PEDC Wireless Internet along with a Guest connection for <br />PEDC. Mr. Darnell advised he would also install the necessary security features to assure <br />confidentiality of PEDC information and purchase a Dell pc system for PEDC. Mr. Turner made <br />a motion to allow Mr. Darnell to purchase the necessary equipment for the aforementioned task. <br />Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Discuss and Possibly take Action on Office Operations report and recommendations <br />Mr. Brockman turned the floor to Angie Corbell, PEDC Office Manager, Angie reported on Mr. <br />Darnell being an asset to PEDC, Ongoing organization tasks, office equipment purchases, and <br />supply purchasing procedures. She also stated there had been Fire Alarm issues that have <br />tentatively been resolved by Advance Alarm, and future document imaging plans. <br />Ms. Lancaster added she received permission from John Godwin the City Manager to purchase <br />planters for the Caddo museum. <br />Mr. Wilson stated he has arranged an estimate from Ray's Tree service to mow the area near the <br />Depot and generally clean up the area. Mr. Wilson stated he was going to obtain permission from <br />Kiamichi Hugo to allow the contractor to clean up the Railroad Right of Way on Bonham Street. <br />Mr. Wilson stated the money was in the budget under Depot Operations. <br />