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7 6 6 <br />Steve Glover, 930 Bunker, is afraid 32 "d NE would be developed as a major street with new <br />development. <br />Angelia Chadwick, 3050 Briarwood, opposed stating she bought property with the <br />understanding that Single Family zoning would be adjacent to her, she's afraid of increased <br />r-- traffic. <br />There was some discussion by Planning and Zoning members about other zoning that could <br />be allowed. Earl Smith told them that Planning Development zoning is allowed. <br />9. Consideration of and action on the petition of Scott Steenson for a change in zoning <br />from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to a Commercial District (C), Pt. of <br />Lot 14, City Block 259, being the 2900 Block of NE Loop 286. <br />Motion was made to approve by Bobby Myers and seconded by Marshall Kent. Motion <br />carried by a vote of 3 ayes and 2 nays. <br />10. Public Hearing to consider the petition of John Coomer for a change in zoning from a <br />One -Family Dwelling District No. 3 (SF -3) to a One - Family Dwelling District No. 3 (SF- <br />3) With Specific Use Permit (39) Mobile Homes, Lot 8, City Block 233, being number <br />1228 NW 16`b Street. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />John Coomer, spoke in favor of the petition, his home burned down and he wants to place <br />a mobile home at this location. There are several mobile homes nearby. <br />There was no opposition, the public hearing was declared closed. <br />11. Consideration of and action on the petition of John Coomer for a change in zoning <br />from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 3 (SF -3) to a One - Family Dwelling District <br />No. 3 (SF -3) With Specific Use Permit (39) Mobile Homes, Lot 8, City Block 233, being <br />number 1228 NW 16`b Street. <br />Motion was made to approve by Cesar Horta and seconded by Bobby Myers. Motion carried <br />by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. <br />12. Consideration of and action on recommendation of the Final Plat, Lot 1, City Block <br />306, being number 210 Stone Avenue. <br />Motion was made to approve by Bobby Myers and seconded by Bill Coleman, subject to the <br />City Engineer's Memo dated January 3, 2000. Motion carried by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 <br />nays. <br />Meeting adjourned at 6:30. <br />d 9-�A� <br />Earl Smith <br />