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775 <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />Renee Harvey, 2550 Lamar, engaged by Fred Gibson to develop property into office <br />building, spoke in favor of the petition. <br />There was no opposition, the public hearing was declared closed. <br />5. Consideration of and action on the petition of Renee Harvey for a change in zoning <br />from a Multiple- Family Dwelling District No. 1 (MY-1) to a Commercial District (C), <br />Lot 14, City Block 220, being number 130 NE 17`b Street. <br />Motion was made to approve by Bill Coleman and seconded by Bobby Myers. Motion <br />carried by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. <br />6. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Jeremy Newberry for a change in zoning <br />from a Commercial District (C) to a Commercial District (C) With Specific Use Permit <br />(52) Signs and Billboards, Lot 1, City Block 321, being number 2395 NE Loop 286. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />Jeremy Newberry, 580 Madewell Road, spoke in favor of the petition stating he wants to <br />place a single billboard pole for advertisement purposes. <br />There was no opposition, the public hearing was declared closed. <br />7. Consideration of and action on the petition of Jeremy Newberry for a change in zoning <br />from a Commercial District (C) to a Commercial District (C) With Specific Use Permit <br />(52) Signs and Billboards, Lot 1, City Block 321, being number 2395 NE Loop 286. <br />Motion was made to approve by Bill Coleman and seconded by Louis Yates. Motion <br />carried by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. <br />8. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Scott Steenson for a change in zoning from <br />a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to a Commercial District (C), Pt. of Lot 14, <br />City Block 259, being the 2900 Block of NE Loop 286. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />Wayne Brown, 3755 NE Loop 286, representing Scott Steenson, wants to develop property <br />into Commercial, new development with several restaurants. Major retailers are near this <br />property. <br />Rodney Hood, 930 N. Collegiate, expressed concern with increased traffic on Collegiate and <br />possibly Pine Mill Road. He also stated that depending on what businesses were interested <br />in the property, this may cause other problems. <br />Wesley Seay, 3085 Briarwood, opposed the petition stating he moved here 15 years and <br />favored it because it was all zoned residential. He asked Planning and Zoning to find out <br />more about what is proposed. <br />