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• <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />JANUARY 8, 1998 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met in regular session, Thursday, January <br />8, 19982 6:00 P. M., City Council Chambers, City Hall, Paris, Texas. Mayor <br />Eric S. Clifford called the meeting to order with the following Council <br />Members present: Charles Fulbright, Alan R. Boyd, and Jerry L. Thomas. <br />Absent was Millie McDonald, Thetis L. Elder, and Charlie Neeley. Also <br />present was City Manager, Michael E. Malone, City Attorney, T. K. Haynes, <br />and City Clerk, Mattie Cunningham. <br />City Manag _x Malone presented the minutes of the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission held January 5, 1998, and they are attached hereto as Exhibit A <br />to-tl s minutes. <br />Mayor Clifford declared the public hearing open to consider the petition of Ron <br />Edwards for a change in zoning from a Multiple- Family Dwelling District No. <br />1 (MF -1 to a Commercial District (C), on Lot 5, City Block 124 being number <br />605 Grand Avenue. <br />Mayor Clifford called for proponents to appear, and none appeared. <br />Mayor Clifford called for opponents to appear, and John Welch, 225 College <br />Street appeared stating that he represented Mrs. Ruth Welch, who wanted her <br />views known. Mr. Welch said Mrs. Welch had lived at this location for forty <br />years, and that she is strongly opposed to this zoning change. Mrs. Welch was <br />concerned about the traffic, parking, and noise the rezoning would create along <br />with devaluing her property. <br />Roy Welch, 607 Bonham Street, appeared before the Council also in opposition <br />to the zoning change stating that parking would create a problem. <br />No one else appeared, and the public hearing was declared closed. <br />Councilman Thomas asked to be excused from the meeting due to a conflict of <br />interest. <br />