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817 <br />will be submitted to the Comptroller <br />Mr. Vest said as far as the activities for the year, they have a fairly intense <br />marketing campaign for our community to promote our community throughout <br />the country. Mr. Vest presented several magazines with the ads for promoting <br />the City of Paris, and advised that this is what generates a lot of the inquires that <br />they get. Mr. Vest said that in the last quarter of 1997 they had 204 inquires <br />generated from the advertisement campaign, and throughout the year there was <br />510 inquires. As far as prospect activities in that respect, they also had an <br />additional 48 contracts with companies that they talked to, made proposals to <br />them about the community, and had two companies that visited the community <br />as a potential location. Mr. Vest told the Council that there were several things <br />that happened during the year with some of the industries such as Babcock and <br />Wilcox which is certainly something that everyone is concerned about. They <br />came last spring with a proposal for closing one of their facilities either <br />Westpoint Mississippi or Paris, Texas, and that is still in the mill. They made <br />a trip along with Mayor Clifford to McDermott headquarters, which is the parent <br />company for Babcock and Wilcox, and they will be coming to Paris in early <br />February, and they expect they are going to come down with a decision very <br />shortly after that. Also, Precision Printing has announced they are for sale, they <br />are still getting inquiries and it is pretty active market out there for their <br />business, and they think that will occur fairly quickly. <br />Mr. Vest said there were major accomplishments during the year, one with the <br />Green Carpet Route (271 South between Paris and Mt. Pleasant) which they had <br />spent a lot of time trying to improve the transportation route because it is so <br />important to our economic development efforts. Also the Freeport Exemption <br />has been adopted by City of Paris, Lamar County, Paris School District, North <br />Lamar School District, and Chisum School District. They participated with the <br />Texas Marketing Team which brought about 700 prospects that we continue to <br />work on. They attended two trade shows this year, one was the chemical show <br />which was held during the week of November 17th in New York, and the <br />National Plastic Exposition in Chicago during the week of June 16th. Mr. Vest <br />said this next year they plan in addition to working with TU Electric who is one <br />
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