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_ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />January 4, 1990 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met in regular session, Thursday, <br />January 4, 1990, 5:15 P. M., City Council Chambers, City Hall, Paris, <br />Texas. Mayor Eric S. Clifford called the meeting to order with the <br />following Councilmen present: Marshall H. Kent, Jr., E. W. (Bill) <br />Booth, and William E. (Bill) Davidson. Also present was City Manager, <br />Michael E. Malone, City Attorney, T. K. Haynes, and City Clerk, Mattie <br />Cunningham. <br />Joe McCollum, Director of Community Development, appeared before the <br />Council and presented the minutes of the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's meeting held December 2, 1990, and attached hereto as part <br />of these minutes as Exhibit A. <br />Mayor Clifford declared the public hearing open on the petition of <br />Carles Sterling for a change in zoning from a General Retail District <br />(GR) to a General Retail District (GR) and Specific Use Permit - <br />Billboard Sign (52) on Lot 2, City Block 286 located on the Northwest <br />corner of Lamar Avenue and N. Collegiate Drive. <br />Mayor Clifford called for proponents to appear, and Mr. Carles Sterling <br />appeared before the Council in behalf of his petition. Mr. Sterling <br />told the Council he wanted to install a 10' x 30' single pole steel <br />billboard sign on the east side of the convenience store on the <br />property. <br />Councilman Booth asked Mr. Sterling if the 10' x 30' sign was a <br />standard sign inside the city limits. <br />Mr. Sterling advised that the standard size for the city is 12' x 24' <br />which works out to be the same square feet, 42 feet height meeting <br />State regulations which has to be permitted by the State. <br />Mayor Clifford called for opponents to appear, and Ronnie Abbott <br />representing People's National Bank appeared before the Council <br />opposing the zoning change. Mr. Abbott advised they were going to <br />spend a considerable amount of money on that corner and feels a <br />billboard of any size would not be good for the value of businesses in <br />the area. Mr. Abbott said billboard should be kept on highways and not <br />within the city. <br />John Miles was present and voiced his objection to the proposed zoning <br />change permitting billboards sign in the city. <br />Charles Woodfin, representing American Federal Bank, appeared before <br />the Council in opposition to the zoning change. <br />Councilman Fendley and Councilman Wortham entered the council chambers <br />and assumed their seats at the council table. <br />Eddie Vincent was also present voicing his opposition to the billboard <br />sign being place at that location. Mr. Vincent said he was in the <br />