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1.2L, <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR - IEETIDIG OF-'-- i' T Y,.. COUNCIL <br />January 9, 1978 <br />The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held on January 9, 1978 at 7:00 R.M. <br />Mayor James M. Brunette called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen <br />present: George Fisher, Jr., Michael Malone, David Philley, Jimmy Don Stone, <br />Walter F. Williams and Raymond Wunsch. Also present were Acting City Manager, <br />H. C. Greene, City Attorney, T. K. Haynes and Acting City Clerk, Joe N. McCollum. <br />Prayer was offered by Reverend A. W. Brown of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. <br />Mayor Brunette.asked if there were additions or corrections to Minutes of the <br />previous meeting as furnished to the Council members, there being none the Minutes <br />were approved. <br />Mayor Brunette announced that the first order of business would be consideration <br />of recommendations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br />Mayor Brunette declared the public hearing open on the petition of James P. <br />Miears and R. B. Staples, Jr. for a change in zoning on part of Lot 8, City Block <br />287 from a One Family Dwelling District No. 2 to a Commercial District located on <br />the west side of Loop 286 Southeast at Morningside Drive. <br />Mr. Staples appeared stating they wished to amend their request from Commercial <br />to an Office Zoning. He said there were no definite plans for construction at <br />this time but that no other use other than office was contemplated. He pointed <br />out the existance of other commercial and business uses in the vicinity of this <br />property and that the property immediately south was zoned Office and presently <br />being used as such. <br />He went on to say that because the property involved was low it was unsuitable <br />for residential development and they were entitled to a zoning that would allow <br />development of the property. <br />Mayor Brunette asked if there were opponents to the request. Reeves Hayter, <br />vice - president of Hayter Engineering, appeared stating their objection to any <br />zoning without assurance that the construction would be compatible with their <br />office building and other buildings in the vicinity. <br />He requested that the Council either leave the zoning as it is or place it in <br />a Planned Development - Office District which would require site plan approval <br />and other.assurances to protect the adjacent property. <br />Wayne. Brown of Morningside Developers also appeared and submitted a petition <br />against the proposed zoning stating they would prefer to see the zoning remain <br />as is but if the Council decided to place a different zoning on the property <br />they would like to see it in a Planned Development- Office District. <br />
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