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Mayor Brunette stated the consultant has no responsibility to TP&L and although <br />the basis-of the consultant's report comes from TP &L figures, the figures are <br />checked beyond information furnished by TP &L. <br />Councilman Malone stated Council should deny the rate increase request and notify <br />the Public Utilities Commission of their ac�..on. <br />Mayor Brunette advised that the Touche -tRoss report would be above board but the. <br />City does not have to accept it or any PUC ruling. He went on to say that douche- <br />Ross and the RUC reports were very close in there recommendations on the last rate <br />increase case. <br />He then asked for a motion that the City participate with some 67 other Texas <br />cities in the hiring of the consultant and to authorize City Attorney Haynes to <br />represent the City in the matter. <br />The motion for was made by Councilman Wunsch and seconded by Councilman Willi& <br />The motion carried 5 ayes and l nay, Councilman Malone casting the dissenting vote. <br />With no further business to consider the meeting was adjourned. <br />MAYOR JAMES M,.:BRUN €TTE <br />ATTEST: <br />Joe N. McCollum, Acting City Clerk <br />