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*fiimin or THE -THE CITY couNCTL <br />February 13, 1978 <br />The Regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, February 13, 1978 at <br />7:00 P.M. Mayor James M- B ninette called the meeting to order with the following <br />Councilmen present: George Fisher; Jr., Michael Malone, David Philley, Jimmy Don <br />Stone, Walter F. Williams and Raymond Wunsch. ndso present were Acting City <br />Manager H. C. Greene, City- Attorney T. R. Haynes and Acting City Clerk Joe McCollum. <br />Payer was offered by the Lt. Earnest Bra.nscum of the Salvation Army. <br />Mayor Brunette asked if there were additions or corrections to the Minutes of the <br />previous meeting as furnished to the Council members. <br />City Manager Greene: noted that Resolution No. 1853 was inadvertently left out of <br />the January 9, 1978 Minutes. This concerns the Community Development Block Grant <br />application and the Minutes should be corrected to include actions taken on this <br />resolution. _ <br />*Correction'made page 129 minute book 9. <br />