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City Manager Sweatt requested authorization to advertise for bids for a <br />backwash pump for the Maxey Treatment Plant, such bids to be received June <br />59 1974, tabulated and presented to the City Council at their Regular <br />Meeting, June 10, 1974. A motion was made by Councilman Rainey and se- <br />conded by Councilmanr Whitaker that the request be approved. The motion <br />carried: 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />City Manager Sweatt requested the appointment of the accounting firm of . <br />McClanahan & Holmes to perform the external audit for the fiscal year <br />ending June 30, 1974. A motion was made by Councilman Rainey and seconded <br />by Councilman Moore that the recommendation be approved. The motion <br />carried: 7 ayes, O nays. <br />City Manager Sweatt advised the Council of the resignation of Dr. B. M. <br />Felty from the Board of Adjustments. <br />Mayor Brunette announced that the Council would go into executive session, <br />at the conclusion of the discussion portion of the agenda, to consider a <br />personnel matter. <br />City Manager Sweatt advised the Council of a Change Order in the Construc- <br />tion Contract of 27th /30th Street, reducing the contract by a maximum <br />$13,582.35, as relates to the dirt work portion of the contract. <br />Mr. Robert Hayter appeared before the Council and recommended that the <br />Elm Fork Construction Company be granted additional time on their con- <br />tract for the construction of the Sewer Treatment Plant. Mr. Hayter ad- <br />vised the Council that 21.30 increase in bad weather and no work days than <br />the last ten year average had been experienced during the contract period, <br />and recommended that 78 calendar days be added to the contract. <br />Mr. Hayden Swaim appeared before the Council requesting exception to the <br />sub - division ordinances for property located outside the City Limits but <br />within the extra territorial jurisdiction of the City. Mayor Brunette ap- <br />pointed a Committee composed of Councilman Stone, Councilman Rainey, and <br />Councilman Hutchison to study the request and make recommendations to the <br />Council. <br />There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. <br />MAYOR J. M. BRUNETTE <br />ATTEST: H. C. Greene, City Clerk <br />