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207 <br />D. The Grantor will comply with OMB Circulars numbered A -87, A -95, and A --102, <br />as those circulars relate to the utilization of funds, the. operation of prograts, <br />,end the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents under the Act. <br />E. The Grantor Further assures that: <br />1. Appropriate t,7-orknan`s compensataion protection will be provided to the <br />participant- or participants (Sec. 603(6)) . <br />2. Manpower services, including job development, will be provided to those <br />most in need of them including lots income persons and persons of limited English <br />speaking ability. <br />11. Employing Agency Agreement. - - <br />A. the Employing Agency agrees to provide the participant-(s) with job related <br />supervision and training during the term of this agreement. <br />D. The Employing Agency further agrees to treat- the, participant(s) equally <br />'with' all, other 'employees of his organization z-7ith respect to work assignments, pro-- <br />Mi t-ional. and training opportunity, and all other aspects of, personnel administration. <br />C. The Employing Agency also agrees to place the participant (s) in a permanent <br />position with his organization at the termination of this agreement barring adverse <br />budget developments which would preclude such placements. In the event that such <br />adverse budget conditions do preclude placement, the Employing Agn.ecy will actively <br />seek permanent employment for the participant(s) with another employer. <br />.III. Ernplo>,ing AEency General Assurances and Certif 1-cations. <br />A. It will comply with the requirements of the Act and with the regulations <br />and policies promulgated thereunder. <br />B. the Employing Agency further assures and certifies that.if the regulat:io:Js <br />pro- mulgated pursuant to the Act are amended or revised, it shall comply with them.: or <br />gill notify the Ark --Tex Council of Governments within 30 days after promulgation of <br />the am.endments or revision that it cannot so conform, so that the Ark ---Tex Council, of <br />Governments may terminate the grant. <br />C. In addition to the requirements of A. and B. above, and con *si:stent with the <br />regulations issued pursuant to the Act, the Employing Agency makes the following, <br />further assurances and certifications: <br />1. It possesses legal authority to participate in the PSE Program; a reso- <br />lution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act <br />of the Einp loying Agency Is governing body, authorizing participation, including all <br />understandings and assurances contained herein, and directing and authorizing the <br />person identified as the official representative of the Employing Agency to act it-, <br />connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be <br />required, said resolution to be made a part of this agrcer:ient as Attach -ment. No. 2; ` <br />2. No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or <br />ati:o:ial origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be <br />subjecLed to cliscrimiraLi.on under any program or activity for which tite <br />Pr: ge 2 of o . <br />