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Employing !agency receives Federal financial assistance and will immediately take any . <br />measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. - <br />3. it will comply with Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (t42 USC <br />20004) prohibiting employment discrimination where (1) the prinary purpose of a gran; <br />is to provide cmployment or (2) discriminatory employment practices will result in <br />unequal treatment of persons who are or should be benefiting from the grant- -aided <br />activity. <br />4. It will comply with requirements of the provisions of the Uniform <br />relocation Assistance and Peal Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (P..L. 91 -6t.6) which <br />.,provides for fair and equitable treatment or persons displaced as -a_ result of Federal <br />and federally assisted programs. <br />5. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the - <br />political activity.of enployces. <br />6. The program under the Act does not involve.' political activities. ' <br />. 7. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their <br />positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by desire <br />for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with urhom they have <br />family, business or other ties. <br />. 8. It will give the Dapartment of .Labor and the Comptroller_ Gcneral,• throu gii <br />any authroized representative, the access to -and the right tcz examine all . xecords, <br />boo;cs, papers or. do&ntents related to the grant. _ <br />9. Ho person' with responsibilities in the operation of any program- under <br />the Act will discriminate with respect to an} program participant or, any 'applicant <br />for participation in such program because of race, creed, color, national origin, <br />se}_, political affiliation or beliefs. (See. 603(l), 612) <br />10. Participants in the program will not be employed on the construction., <br />operation or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for religious <br />:instruction or worsh "p. (Sec. 603(3)) <br />11. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training swtua —. <br />dons will be maintained. (Sec. 6031'15)) <br />12. Conditions of emplo} anent or training will be appropriate and reasonable <br />with regard to tile. type of work, the geographical region and the proficiency' of the <br />applicant. (Sec. 603(4)) <br />13. The program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or <br />impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal f_unes <br />for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed (SC-C. 6030)) <br />14. Training and related services will, to the maximum extent practicable,. be- <br />consistent with every individual's fullest capabilities- and lead to employment oppor -: <br />tunitics which will enable participants to become econo-mically self — sufficient. <br />(Sec. 603(9) , 105 (a) (6) } <br />15. Training on the job shall only be for occupations inwInch the Secretary <br />or the prime sponsor has determined there is reasonable expectation for employment_ <br />(Sec. G03(10)) <br />16. CETA funds Still, to the extent practicable, be used to supplement, rather <br />than supplant, the level of funds that would otherwise be available for the planning. <br />and administration of programs under the prime sponsor's grant. (Sec. 603(11)) <br />17_ It will sub:aeit reports as required by the Secretary and will inaintain, <br />records and provide access to them as necessary for the Secretary's review to assure <br />that funds are being expended in accordance with the purposes and provisions of the <br />Act, including the as;aintenaaacc of records to assist the Secretary in determining the <br />,extent to which the progrzu.2 meets the special .needs of disadvantaged, chronically <br />unc;:;Oo) cd, . and lou income persons for mcallingful employment opportunities. (Sec. `J <br />Ptage .3. of 8 <br />