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4 <br />209 <br />18. The Program -.gill, to the maximupi'extent feasible, contribute to the <br />_Dccupational develop«ent or upward mobility of individual participants.' (Sec. 603(13)) <br />.3.9. It will comply with the labor standards requirements set out in Section <br />106 of the Act. <br />2. Mie Imploying Agency further assures and certifies that it is not listed <br />on a d:tbarred List due to violations of Titles VI or VII of the Civil TUghts Art of <br />3964, nor are any proposed parties to the contract aware of any 'p`nding action which <br />rtigYiL' result In such debarment. <br />IV. Specific Assurances R elating to Title I Supported Public. Service EmpIo� tct <br />•en,t _ <br />For Public Service Employment Prograirs, an Employing Agency will: <br />A. Assure that the employment program for -which assistance is sought- under the <br />Act twill be administered by or under the supervision of the Employing Agency. <br />B.• Assure that special consideration will be given to' the filling of fobs wbi cb <br />provide- sufficient prospects for advancement or-'suitable continued employ lent by pro -. <br /> complementary training and manpower services designated to (l) pror:ote the <br />advancement of participants to employment or training opportunities suitable to the <br />individuals involved, whether in 'the public or private sector of the economy, (2) <br />provide participants with skills for which there is an anticipated high .demand, -or. <br />(3) provide participants with self -development skills; provided ho-•rcver that nc�thing . <br />:ontained in this paragraph shall be construed to preclude persons or programs for <br />liom the foregoing goals-are not feasible or appropriate; <br />C. Assure (1) that special consideration in falling transitional Public. service <br />jogs will be given to unemployed persons who served in the firmed Forces 1L Indochina <br />or I:ore. on or after August 5, 1964, in accordance with criteria established by the <br />- Secretary (and who have received other than dishonorable discharges) , and a descrip- <br />tion of the specific steps to be undertaken during such fiscal year to provide such <br />special consideration, and of the types of jobs to be made available to such veterans, <br />with special emphasis on the development of jobs.-which will utilize, to the ina.)i7 :gum <br />extent feasible, the skills which such veterans acquired in connection with their <br />-military training and service, and (2) that it shall (i) matte special efforts to ac- <br />quaint such veterans with the program and the public service jobs available to veterans <br />under: the Act, and (ii) coordinate efforts in behalf of such veterans with those <br />activities authorized by chapter 41 of Title 33, United States Code. (relating to Job <br />Counseling and Employment Services for veterans), or carried out by other public or <br />private organizations or agencies; <br />D. Assure that, to -the extent feasible, public servicd jobs shall be provided in <br />occup< :tional fields which are roost' likely to expand vithin the public or private sec - <br /> the unempl.oyi.ient rate receded; <br />E. Assure that special consideration in filling transitional public service jobs <br />,111 bc� given to unemployed persons who are the most severely disadvantaged in terms <br />Z the len,;th of ticse they have been unemployed and Lb-cir prospects for finding, cc,ploy- <br />_..ent without assistance under- this title, but such srccial Consideration shall not <br />r- uth.orize the hiring of any person when any odder person is on lay -off from the same <br />yr : n) :,;u ratan troll }, equivalent job; <br />Pave 14 of 8 <br />