<br />3. l.iit is of Compensation.
<br />Cdr; ensation to a;.y participant for funds auillorized under the Act is
<br />inited to z naximUm full tilae rate of $10,000 per year plus the cost of fringe benefits
<br />o the extent that it does not exceed those paid. to -workers earning, $10,000 per ,'ear.
<br />4. Method of Payr.:ent.
<br />Tips' l:�:ll�loying Agency agrees to provide the Grantor c,,ith a completed Time -
<br />nd Attendance report Forla A1COG -lB (Attachment NO. 3) on the 15th and final day of
<br />ash ronth of service by- the participant. These reports will be the Uasi.s for salary
<br />r Iaage and benefits comaputatioa and subsequent paycliecl: issuance by the Grantor to
<br />he participant. _
<br />/Sutl2orJ.7_ed ReJresmitatives.
<br />The Grantor_ shall aiapoii.t an authorizedl representative to liionitor per- -
<br />:orrtarce under this grant. lie T:il.l represent the Grantor in the prograla phases of
<br />.lie worm: but will not be authorized to change any of the terms and conditions of the
<br />;raft. Sucll changes, if any, shall be accomplished only by the Exe -cut ve Director: of
<br />►c'1'eaas DePartt,�;7t of Comriunity Affairs, by a properly execvtec3 r�difi_cat.on Lo this
<br />rarlt. '1=hc: authorizes; representat.i-Ve of the Grantor_ shall at all tunes have L't�e right'
<br />�o inslle: i -and o. r�o3litor, kork being perforracd under this Agreement. -
<br />G, Assi&,t7ability.. -
<br />lne Employing t1gency agrees. that he shall not assign any interest in
<br />is Ag ree ;ent and shall not transfer any interest in the salsa (by assignment or
<br />n�lovati.o3�} without the prior -tyri.tten colse3lt: of the Grantor thereto.
<br />7. Discl.ai.ri -er of Liabi.li.ty.
<br />The Employing Agency shall, hold and saxfe the Grantor, Texas Pzpaxtment of
<br />o,.�rvnity Affahe- " 'and tlr Federal GoverrlMe_�t, its officers., 2geiits and employees
<br />-t r►aless from liability of any nature or kinds, including costs and ex-penses, for or
<br />zn accotn)t: of any or- all suits or. damages sustained by any persons or property result-
<br />ing, in whole or in part, fro:a the negligent perf-ornmance or or,lnlission of any employee,
<br />: LI)Ioyirlg Agency, or representative of the Lmploying Agent. ,
<br />Terr)ination of Grants & Ad-juStl:terlt:s of PUPIL is Ur the Secretary of Lab
<br />the Grantor- violates or permits an El;;ployi.ng Agency to violate, or if
<br />ut,it of Federal or State government acting independently as Employing Agency, '�rio --
<br />lates ally provisions of the Act, the regulations, or grant terms or collditiolls %Alich
<br />the Secxetclry has issued or shall subsequently. issue during the period of the grant;
<br />rile Secretary relay terminate the grant in whole or in part unless the Grantee causes
<br />=uclt vi.o)..stiori to he corrected within a .period of 30 days after receipt of notice
<br />;pacifying the vi-ol:ition; or in his discretion the Secretary may 'terini3late the grant
<br />in thole . or in par t .
<br />Ter.;:lil:ation silall be effected by a notice of termination which shall
<br />;peci.fy 01c. extent of tcrr:_inati.on and the date upon which such terini'latio;t l,c:corles
<br />effcctiVC. Upon receipt of a notice of t'erriination, the Employing Agency shall:
<br />rl} Di.;cont-inve further co- mritments of gxa3lt: funds to the extent. that they relate to
<br />the terl::':natcc1 porti.o:l of tl,e grunt; (2) Promptly cancel all subgrants, aFreer:ents,
<br />and co3ltr,zct, uti?izing fund:, unciCr this grant to the c�:tent that they relate to the
<br />teminatoe portion of the grant; (3) Settle, with t17e ap13rov.1 of the Secret_ ry, all
<br />arising, from SUcl, te2•i::in�t i:l Oil; (t +) dill t:lit, LI1 t13131 U3ZC L. tit after
<br />tl,c recc ii�t of the llnti ce of termillatioll, Z torminzti.on settIC-l"Cl;r proposal vhi.cli
<br />t'ernitnated portion of the Fr ,u1 t, but 1.11 case of tc_r►aiin: ti©ns bcea,lsc
<br />11Ft;c 7 0* S
<br />