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211 <br />P. Coizply with such other assurances, arrangements, and conditions, consisfieiit <br />^i1th the provisions of the Act as the Secretary deems necessary, In accordance with <br />;ucli regulations as lie shall prescribe. <br />V. Provisions Governing the Grant. . <br />- a _ <br />A. Restrictions. <br />I. Obligation of- -funds. <br />.ii),? Lr."I7loying agency viill not take action to obligate any part of these <br />funds until notified by the Grantor in verit-ing. - <br />These restrictions include bu.t are not limited to the announcement or <br />advertising of a job position vacancy, interviewing applicants or personnel referred <br />by the Texas Er: plo }-ii:ent Com ission, and hiring of personnel whose compensation will <br />repr_csent any part of these funds. <br />2. liiterest of Menbers of Employing Agency and Others. <br />he Employing Agency agrees that no officer, member, or employee o the <br />Employing. Agency, and no. t ambers- of its governing body, and no. other public *of fi cials <br />of the governii�:g. body of the locality or localities in which the project is operating, <br />or carried out, kho exercises any functions or resporisibilit%es in the xevie« <br />or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of this program sliall participate in <br />any decisions related to this Agreement which affects his personal :interest.or the <br />�.izterest of any corporation, partnership or association in 'he is directly or <br />ndirectly interested or have any personal. or pecuniary. interest, .direct or indirect, <br />�n this Agreement or of the proceeds thereof. <br />E. Time of Perforn nce. <br />The Employing Agency understands and agrees that after si gniiag the agreer;ents, <br />receiving a written notice to proceed, and the implementation of performance that the <br />iiiitial funding is for a pe-riod of approx- Diatel_y sixty (60) days after which it is <br />anticipated that the funding will revert to a full funding program, and that this situ - <br />ation ;:gay result in a change to the funding procedures, records and reporting relative <br />to this Agreewert. <br />C. Co:-pens.ati:on and t ;'orking Conditions. - <br />I. 1•'91 £os and Salaries. . <br />Wages and salaries shall be paid to participants at a rate equal to <br />hight�st of the. following: <br />z. - The min:inusii wage applicable under the Fair Labor St:andard's Act. of <br />1935, Section VI, Enclosure Al of the Act: applies to the participant and if he were <br />not cxe apt under Section 1.3 thereof; <br />b. The State or local miniimim.wage for the most neai`l.y comparable <br />coves cn ci::ployr�cnt; or <br />c. `fie prevailing rate paid for persons employed in same occupation by <br />Fr.:ploying tq ency. <br />Proi;rar..i p:r. t i ci.parits shall. receive the. sar;ie fringe ticnefits (e. I;, , <br />??:'•:•... ' C(1i':!'t: a,- ,'it:. {);1, ii_'.i:1 t i1 i:'t ;!]'_._i ?CC'., ��i ?C C: >1C�' "'ent 1:1,;u'ra nc^ Vacations) as other <br />