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139® <br />Regular Council Meeting <br />September 12, 2011 <br />Page 5 <br />structures. Ms. Scott also reviewed the report issued by TMAC, a consultant hired by Paris <br />Economic Development Corporation to study the City's permitting process (see Exhibit "A" <br />attached herein). In summarizing the report, Ms. Scott recommended conducting workshops for <br />those in the building industry. Council Member Pickle recommended flow charts for the <br />process. Mayor Hashmi asked Ms. Scott what her opinion was on shortfalls in their department. <br />Ms. Scott said new employees, lack of training, and to continue training. Ms. Scott said there <br />was a large learning curve and that she had a temporary clerk assisting her for two years, but that <br />there had been four different people who had been in that position. She said that position would <br />be permanent as of October I". Mayor Hashmi inquired if the City was going to purchase <br />software for tracking projects. Ms. Scott said they were researching it and would bring <br />something back to the City Council for consideration. <br />Council Member Wright said the report seemed to recommend that Planning and Zoning <br />meet more often to expedite matters. Ms. Scott said Planning and Zoning makes <br />recommendations and City Council has to take action on the items. She said several years ago <br />City Council heard zoning cases at the same meeting they considered plats, but that the previous <br />Council moved the zoning cases to the fourth Monday. Council Member Frierson inquired why <br />the previous City Council changed it. Ms. Scott said if the Planning and Zoning Agenda packets <br />went out on the first and the Council meets on the seventh that would allow for only two to three <br />days for the City Clerk to get all of the information together and City Attorney to draft the <br />Ordinances. She said that is probably why they moved it to the fourth Monday. City Clerk Janice <br />Ellis confirmed this. Ms. Ellis said a lot of times they had not received the documentation needed <br />for the City Council packets within that time frame. Mayor Hashmi asked Mr. Anderson to <br />study the matter and get back with City Council at a future meeting. <br />13. Deliberate and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2011- 038 -A: A RESOLUTION OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS; ACCEPTING A UTILITY <br />EASEMENT FROM PARIS JUNIOR COLLEGE FOR A WATER LINE ACROSS A <br />PORTION OF PARIS JUNIOR COLLEGE CAMPUS MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A "; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS <br />RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by <br />Council Member Wright. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />14. First reading, deliberate and possibly act on an ORDINANCE NO. 2011 -036: AN <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A SOLID WASTE COLLECTION PERMIT TO <br />SANITATION SOLUTIONS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENGAGING IN THE <br />BUSINESS OF COLLECTING AND /OR TRANSPORTING SOLID WASTE FROM <br />COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNITS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE <br />CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS; FINDING A PUBLIC NECESSITY AND CONVENIENCE <br />FOR ISSUANCE OF SAID PERMIT; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />
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