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Regular Council Meeting <br />NOS ber'12, 2012 <br />Page 5 <br />Department lieutenants were the same responsibilities as captains in other police departments. <br />Chief Hundley explained he wanted to change the titles of ranks to those which were more <br />commonly used by other departments, specifically changing the title positions to sergeants, <br />lieutenants and captains and eliminate the corporal title. He said the name changes are three <br />lieutenants to three captains, nine sergeants to nine lieutenants and four corporals to four <br />sergeants. Chief Hundley said he was asking for a simple title change of these positions; there <br />was no increase in salaries; and no difference in the job description. He also said this change <br />was a step in reorganization of the department, because some divisions were too heavy in <br />supervision while others were lacking in proper span of control. Chief Hundley said the <br />restructure would take a few years to complete and would be accomplished by attrition. He <br />stated the more complex change was civil service and if appropriate at the second reading, staff <br />would bring an amendment to section 26 -9 also changing those titles. <br />16. Receive report, discuss and possibly act on drainage problem on York Street. <br />Mr. Napier said they were currently in a holding pattern while waiting for rainfall to <br />determine how the drainage channel was going to work. He said a couple of staff members were <br />going to attend training in a surveying class between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Council <br />Member Wright wanted to know if Mr. Napier had spoken with Mrs. Carcuffe's neighbor, Mr. <br />Hill. Mr. Napier confirmed that he had spoken with Mr. Hill and that Mr. Hill was happy with <br />everything that had been done so far and relayed to Mr. Napier that several other neighbors were <br />also pleased with the work. <br />17. Discuss and act on creation of a storm victim relief fund. <br />Mayor Hashmi referenced the recent storm in New York and New Jersey and thought it <br />would be a good gesture if the City of Paris could help them. Mr. Godwin said they could <br />establish a fund for people to make a donation or set up a donation through water bills. Council <br />Member Grossnickle wanted to know by what means would it be channeled. Mayor Hashmi said <br />there was a governor's storm fiend or the Council could determine if they wanted to support one <br />family with the collections each month. It was a consensus of City Council for Mr. Godwin to <br />bring details to the next City Council meeting for consideration. <br />18. Discuss agenda policies as related to change orders, plats, resolutions, and requirement of <br />second readings for ordinances. <br />Mr. Godwin said they had discussed changing policies in four different areas in an effort <br />to make council meetings more efficient. He said those areas included the use of resolutions, the <br />use of ordinances, approval of plats and how to deal with capital projects and change orders. Mr. <br />Godwin presented proposed policy changes to Council. (See Exhibit "X) Mr. Godwin <br />reviewed the proposed changes and informed City Council that some of the changes would <br />require amendments to current ordinances. It was a consensus of City Council to follow the <br />proposed policy changes. <br />
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