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Wilson stated the totals of $429,000.00 then there is $325, 135.00 for debt service. Also, debt <br />service shows $25,885.00 should have been $25,135.00. The total 25,885.50 on Fiscal Year to <br />Date a correction is calculated for this year. Capital expenses for 2015 -16 are a total <br />$838,506.50. To add to the Operating Expenses making the total budget two million four <br />hundred six dollars and fifty cents. Also, Mr. Wilson stated $100,000 dollars would need to be <br />added due to an upcoming incentive agreement with Turner, making the total one million three <br />hundred fifteen four o six. Mr. Wilson stated the budget needed a vote. Mr. Brockman asked for <br />the total amount to be clarified. Mr. Wilson stated it is $1,315,406.50. <br />Mr. Manning recommended discussing the Cash Flow projection before budget approval. Mr. <br />Wilson presented a spreadsheet with projections to year 2022. Mr. Wilson stated to look at the <br />presented budget for last year showed the beginning of the year PEDC had $408,000.00 and he <br />had pointed out last time this figure represented cash. Mr. Wilson went on to say that it should <br />have been $1,039,979.09. Mr. Wilson stated the spending for the year totaled $195,281.00, <br />leaving ending cash of $2,030,321.00, as of the end of July. Mr. Wilson stated he had taken the <br />cash figure and placed it into the 2015 -16 budget reasoning the assumption of the next two <br />months income and payouts and bond payment of about $20,000.00, and Potters' payment will <br />wash between now and the end of September, but that was the figure he came up with of <br />$2,030,321.00, then tax revenue was running 116 to $110,000.00 per month he stated he had put <br />that in as tax revenue of one million three. Mr. Wilson stated he then took $76,900.00 of the <br />budget that had just been reviewed and stated that was the estimated expenditures and the 838 <br />was under there and had changed to 938 making the total budget $1,315,470.00. Mr. Wilson <br />stated he had it highlighted as $1,215,407.00. So, the $100,000.00 that goes to Turner bringing <br />the total up to $1,315,000.00 leaving the years' ending cash total of $2,114,915.00. Ray Banks <br />asked to enter the payout making it actually $2,014,915.00 dollars. Mr. Turner stated PEDC <br />expenditures totaled about the same as the income, and that PEDC was not making any major <br />expenditure. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Turner agreed there would be two more years of bond <br />payments. Mr. Wilson stated the reserves would still be available if the total projected was spent. <br />Mr. Wilson stated if the PEDC were to "break even" this year on expenditures there would still <br />be two million in reserve for future industry incentives or purchases. Mr. Wilson stated the last <br />payment may have already been paid on the bond payment. Mr. Turner made a motion to <br />approve the 2015 -16 Budget with the corrections mentioned. The motion was seconded by Ray <br />Banks. The Motion carried with none opposed. <br />Discuss and possibly take action on Northeast Texas Work Force Development Grant <br />Funding <br />Mr. Banks asked if the funds would go to pay an instructor from Mt. Pleasant. Dr. Anglin <br />responded no. Mr. Manning turned the floor to Randy Reed the Executive Director Workforce <br />Solutions of Northeast Texas. Mr. Reed stated he operates under a contract from Texas <br />
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