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08/25/2015 MINUTES
Boards and Commissions
08/25/2015 MINUTES
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Workforce Commission. Mr. Reed went on to say about nine months ago TWC had applied for a <br />matching funds grant for projects for high demand job training. Mr. Reed stated the original <br />amount was $75,000.00, but with participation of Mt. Pleasant, and Sulphur Springs EDCs, the <br />total matching fund request for Paris Economic Development Corporation would be $25,000.00. <br />Mr. Reed stated the contract required a Memorandum of Understanding for CNC training. The <br />equipment would be purchased through PJC and would become part of the curriculum the same <br />as with NTCC in Mt. Pleasant and PJC in Sulphur Springs. Mr. Manning asked if the training <br />would take place at PJC. Dr. Anglin pointed out an error in the MOU which stated that NTCC <br />would provide the instructor, but it should state PJC would provide the instructor. Mr. Banks <br />thanked Dr. Anglin for her input. Dr. Anglin went on to say PJC has ordered the required <br />equipment for training the week before and when received it will be placed in the Workforce <br />Training Center and through the grant PJC has agreed to train a certain number of machinists to <br />work in this area. Dr. Anglin further stated she has spoken with Corey Campbell with Aequs. Dr. <br />Anglin explained the equipment purchases would be for campuses in Paris, Mt. Pleasant, and <br />Sulphur Springs. Dr. Anglin clarified there would be three sets of trainees, and there would be a <br />different type of equipment in Mt. Pleasant, but PJC would complete the CNC training. Ray <br />Banks stated his concern the students may have to travel. Dr. Anglin stated that no they would <br />not because PJC has a mill here and intends to purchase a lathe, and copy the arrangement in <br />Sulphur Springs. Mr. Manning and Mr. Reed discussed the delay in executing the contract. Mr. <br />Turner clarified Mr. Reed was requesting an amount of $25000.00 to train 15 to 20 people to use <br />the equipment purchased. Dr. Anglin clarified this was the second grant request for $25,000.00 <br />for training. Mr. Reed stated he is in the process of requesting the funds from the other EDCs. <br />Dr. Anglin stated she will use the funds for the purchase of the lathe. Mr. Turner asked the life <br />expectancy of the equipment. Mr. Wilson stated the programming would need to be changed, <br />therefore, the upgrade would be minimal, so the equipment would last approximately 25 years. <br />Dr. Anglin stated Industry sometimes bequeaths machinery for training. Mr. Manning asked how <br />the trainees would be trained. Dr. Anglin stated the training would coincide with local industry <br />requirements. Mr. Brockman asked if any other EDCs had committed to the second round of the <br />grant. Mr. Reed advised affirmative. Mr. Manning stated it would pay for itself in the future. Mr. <br />Turner made a motion to fund the grant for $25,000.00. The motion was seconded by John <br />Brockman. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson asked if the Board wanted to change <br />the budget adding the $25,000.00, making the budget one million three hundred forty thousand <br />four o six fifty. Motion was made by Mr. Wilson to amend the budget to pay the High Job <br />Demand Training grant and seconded by Ray Banks. The motion carried unanimously. <br />Convene into Executive Session: <br />The Board convened into Executive Session at 4:54 pm. <br />Reconvene into Open Session: <br />
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