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Louise Hagood asked what about your contracts with the subcontractors? Were you able to <br />cancel those when you got the decision to revoke the permit? <br />Ben Glick stated yes, but a great deal of work had already been performed. A lot of the <br />construction process occurs before you actually break ground, in the planning. <br />Louise Hagood asked so do you have a dollar figure off the top of your head? <br />Steve Walker stated yes, we provided information to the City, and obviously there's <br />disagreement over what those figures are, but damages are in the hundreds of thousands of <br />dollars. <br />Louise Hogood stated okay. <br />Jerry Harting stated unfortunately, the City of Paris had several employees that made a <br />mistake. Mr. Harting further stated is there anyone else that had anything to speak one way <br />or the other on this before we bring it to a vote? <br />Christy Wendell (citizen) stated that she lived on Primrose, directly behind the proposed <br />location for the recycling center. This was not ever a political issue as Mr. Walker stated <br />earlier. This was an issue of the City made a mistake, its human error. We've all been guilty <br />of that. When that mistake was pointed out, she personally called fifteen planning and <br />zoning commissions around the United States. The first thing she did was googled <br />recycling depot, the exact title. She called each one of those depots to make sure that she <br />was comparing apples to apples. She asked them are you a consumer - friendly, strictly <br />drop -off, not - industrial just a collection facility. Then called the city's planning and zoning <br />department in that area and asked how this location for this consumer - friendly drop -off <br />recycling center had been zoned. She received a 100 percent of them were zoned industrial. <br />They chided me for even considering that this could be a commercial application, gave me <br />the long list of all of the issues and problems with this, especially being located adjacent to <br />a residential area. Mrs. Wendell further stated that she provided all of the information to the <br />planning and zoning, to council, to everybody previously. We're not trying to cherry -pick, <br />but we didn't find a single incident of where a facility with operations of this nature was in <br />a commercially zoned area. That was the real turning point. When she talked to John <br />Godwin he said obviously we have made a mistake, we are going to go back and review <br />this, and we should have done more homework on this. A mistake has been made and we <br />will take a look at it. It was on that basis that the zoning was looked at again Mrs. Wendell <br />stated. She also took a personal issue as a resident of the city, what costs the City might <br />incur as a result of the inordinate expenses that the Glicks have incurred. The Glicks has <br />not moved one blade of grass on this lot until they got wind of the resident objection. That <br />very same week, they started work like fleas on a dog. They were bulldozing, they were not <br />in compliance with standard construction practices of silt fencing and rock egress and all of <br />those standard items. She went to Shawn Napier, and said they are trying to hurry up, <br />