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05 - City Council Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting <br />November 16, 2015 <br />Page 7 <br />said in the last year, the PEDC finally requested the mandatory initial reporting documents, as <br />well as employment figures that were all required by the contract. <br />Council Member Clifford depicted slides with regard to Paris Warehouse 107, one of <br />which reflected a list of the warehouse construction costs in the 2006 contract noting the project <br />as of September 9, 2006, and a document reflecting the abatement period of 1/1/2007 through <br />12/31/2013. <br />He said the 150,000 square foot warehouse was listed as costing about $5.3 million <br />dollars and the date of substantial completion was listed as September 9, 2006 and the 158 full - <br />time jobs that were a direct requirement of the 2006 contract, thus the Paris Warehouse 107 had <br />stated that they had indeed complied with the terms of the 2006 abatement contract. He noted <br />that the document reflecting the date of substantial completion of the 2006 warehouse was listed <br />as September 9, 2006. Council Member Clifford depicted several slides reflecting aerial <br />photographs taken October 21, 2005 and October 30, 2008 noting the warehouse was never <br />constructed. He also depicted a recent photo of the property and noted the warehouse was never <br />constructed, but $4.4 million dollars in taxes were abated at 100% for a full 8 years, but it wasn't <br />the building shown on the 2006 abatement contract, because it was never built. <br />Council Member Clifford said these type problems occur when the PEDC does not even <br />think it is necessary to require a company to fulfill its end of the contract; that this is what <br />happens when the City of Paris fails to do the most rudimentary compliance; and this is what <br />happens when the local Tax Assessor Office grants an abatement with inadequate <br />documentation. He also said the complete lack of compliance is the result of no one even <br />checking to be sure the building was constructed. He said for 9 years, everyone granted the <br />abatement and arguments were made regarding mandatory employment levels, but no one at the <br />PEDC, no one at the City of Paris, and no one at the appraisal district noticed that the building <br />was never built. <br />Council Member Clifford said he discussed this with Mr. Godwin, and laid it out on the <br />table for Mr. Godwin, and the document that surfaced was indeed on August 20, 2004 when <br />Paris Warehouse 107 presented a document to the Paris City Council that requested an abatement <br />on the planned construction of the new warehouse. He said in that proposal they agreed to build <br />a new 172,000 square foot warehouse and create 30 new jobs, including 20 packagers, 5 forklift <br />operators, 4 clerical workers and 1 supervisor. Their proposal was to increase the payroll in the <br />amount of $470,000 annually. He also said the proposal was presented to the PEDC on <br />September 10, 2004. He said the company wanted to add 170,000 square feet to their existing <br />plant on the loop and the application reflected they would add 30 jobs, but Gary Vest met with <br />David Owens of WePack and he said it would be more like 50 jobs. Council Member Clifford <br />said the PEDC unanimously passed the resolution and recommended to the city council that they <br />approve the abatement, which was approved by the city council on October 7, 2004. Council <br />Member Clifford referenced the agenda information sheet of that meeting that was given to the <br />Council, which depicted "an additional condition of the tax abatement was the creation of 30 <br />new jobs." He said a contract was also attached to this sheet, and in the fine print of the contract <br />contained a very significant change, which was signed by then Mayor Curtis Fendley. He said <br />
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