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A=COM <br />Mr. Jerry McDaniel <br />Page 2 <br />December 8, 2015 <br />The apparent lowest base bid was received from Kodiak in the amount of $22,510,615.00. The <br />apparent lowest base bid plus the HMAC Overlay alternatives is Oscar Renda in the amount of <br />$23,348,350.00. The apparent lowest base bid plus the Microsurfacing alternatives is Oscar Renda <br />in the amount of $22,921,350.00. AECOM's opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) for the <br />base bid is $25,000,000.00. A tabulation of bids is enclosed. <br />AECOM found slight irregularities in the Kodiak base bid proposal; however these errors did not <br />change the base bid rankings. Based on the above evaluation, references provided, and discussions <br />with the City, we support and recommend award of the project to Oscar Renda in the total amount of <br />$22,921,350.00 (Base Bid + Microsurfacing Alternates). <br />If you have any questions, please contact me at 817 - 698 -6722 or at matthew.abbe <br />Very truly yours, <br />AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. <br />Matt Abbe, PE <br />Project Manager <br />Encl. Bid Tabulation <br />cc: Mr. John Godwin, City Manager <br />