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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 25, 2016 <br />Page 7 <br />19. Discuss disannexation requests received from 36th N.E. Street property owners as <br />follows: <br />• Kay White, 2325 36th NE <br />• George William "Bill" Madding, 2225 36th NE <br />• Wildred & Donna Hargis, 2245 36' NE <br />• Terry & Sandra Fitzgerald, 2335 36th NE <br />• Greg Winn, 2235 36th NE <br />• William & Lindsay Thorns, 2425 36th NE <br />Interim City Attorney Stephanie Harris explained the City had received applications <br />requesting disannexation of their properties because they do not receive certain city services, <br />such as water or sewer in areas. She also said they do receive police, fire, EMS and sanitation <br />pick up. Mayor Hashmi said he felt if the City was not going to provide services they should be <br />allowed to disannex. Council Member Pickle said they were not paying for services they did not <br />get, but only for services they do get. <br />Bill Madding, 2225 36th NE. — he said when he bought the property sixteen years he was <br />told they should be getting sewer. Mayor Hashmi asked Mr. Madding it would be acceptable if <br />they made a conscious effort to get sewer to that area. He said they could ask the city manager <br />to come up with some options. Mr. Madding also said that drainage issues continued to the point <br />of washing away top soil and filling up ditches. Mayor Hashmi asked the citizens to give them a <br />couple of Council meetings to allow time for the city manager to come up with a plan. <br />20. Discuss disannexation requests received from FM 79 property owners as follows: <br />• Terry & Dedra Dollins, 3356 FM 79 <br />• Peter & Lisa Zacharias, 3388 & 3384 FM 79 <br />• Jessie Tucker, 3930 FM 79 <br />• O.B. McCuin, 3928 FM 79 <br />• Stacy & Shelia Pendergraft, 3790 FM 79 <br />• Ronald Dockray, 3197, FM 79 <br />• Carolyn Patterson, 2 acre tract, Rt. 1, FM 79 and 2.5 acres, FM 79 <br />• Arthur & Joyce Lay, 3248 FM 79 <br />• Carol Diggs, FM 79 <br />Council Member Clifford said he previously brought this up and was told there was no <br />sewer service in this area and no plans to do so, because it was cost prohibitive. Mayor Hashmi <br />inquired if disannexing this area would create an island and Ms. Harris said she would find out. <br />Deidra Dollins, Joyce Lake and Ronald Dockery said they wanted to be disannexed because they <br />had no sewer or water from the City. Mayor Hashmi said if the City was not going to provide <br />services, he felt they should be disannexed. Mr. Godwin said he would bring this back to the <br />City Council. <br />